RFR: JDK-8298170 : Introduce a macro for exception check, free and return

Matthias Baesken mbaesken at openjdk.org
Fri Dec 9 12:27:00 UTC 2022

On Tue, 6 Dec 2022 15:20:26 GMT, Matthias Baesken <mbaesken at openjdk.org> wrote:

> We have a number of places in the codebase  where a macro could help when we check an exception and afterwrads free something and return.

Hi Roger , the new proposed version  JNU_CHECK_EXCEPTION_DO  is now almost as lengthy as the original coding, Is it really worth it introducing a macro when it gets so lengthy ?


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/11539

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