RFR: 8277922: Unable to click JCheckBox in JTable through Java Access Bridge

Sergey Bylokhov serb at openjdk.java.net
Thu Feb 10 18:25:02 UTC 2022

On Thu, 10 Feb 2022 04:59:33 GMT, Anton Litvinov <alitvinov at openjdk.org> wrote:

> Hello,
> Could you please review the following fix for the bug. The bug consists in the fact that When an assistive technology software by means of Java Access Bridge API executes "AccessibleAction" "click" on "AccessibleContext" which corresponds to "javax.swing.JTable" cell containing "javax.swing.JCheckBox", then the cell's value and cell's view represented by "JCheckBox" stay unchanged. The issue is a bug in JDK and should be fixed in JDK, because JDK informs the assistive technology software through Java Access Bridge API in particular through the function
> "BOOL getAccessibleActions(long vmID, AccessibleContext accessibleContext, AccessibleActions *actions)"
> that "AccessibleContext" of the table cell with "JCheckBox" supports one action "click", while real execution of this action on this accessible context does not lead to any result.
> The reason of the issue is the fact that when the assistive technology software tries to do "AccessibleAction" on "AccessibleContext" associated with a cell with boolean data type in "JTable" component through Java Access Bridge (JAB), the JDK executes this "AccessibleAction" on "AccessibleContext" of a renderer, which is an instance of the class "javax.swing.JTable.BooleanRenderer" which is a derivative of "JCheckBox" class, and the instance of this renderer is single and common for all cells of boolean data type. Therefore execution of "click" "AccessibleAction" on this renderer component which is not permanently bound to any particular cell in the table does not lead to update of the table cell value.
> The fix implements an approach which guarantees setting of new values to the table's cells with boolean data type on each execution of "AccessibleAction" of "javax.swing.JTable.BooleanRenderer" instance, when execution of this action changes the "selected" state of this "BooleanRenderer" JCheckBox component.
> Please take into account that the created automatic regression test simulates the issue only with Java Accessibility API what is not fully equal to the original test scenario which requires the assistive technology software and usage of Java Access Bridge API and which can be tested using the manual test case attached to the issue in JBS. However the regression test still allows to reproduce the issue and verify that the fix resolves it.
> Thank you,
> Anton

src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/JTable.java line 5493:

> 5491:         }
> 5492: 
> 5493:         protected class AccessibleBooleanRenderer

I guess the doAccessibleAction(i); should work in a similar way as something like "table,getCellJComponent()".click(). Is it actually possible to click on the cell w/o using robot and w/o a11y API just via Swing API and w/o adding code for each type of the renderer?

src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/JTable.java line 5508:

> 5506:                     (table != null) && table.isEnabled() &&
> 5507:                     table.isCellEditable(row, column)) {
> 5508:                     table.setValueAt(Boolean.valueOf(newSelectedState),

Where this code is triggered if the user click on the checkbox by the mouse?

test/jdk/javax/accessibility/JTable/JCheckBoxInJTableCannotBeClickedTest.java line 92:

> 90: 
> 91:     private void createGUI() {
> 92:         if (!(UIManager.getLookAndFeel() instanceof MetalLookAndFeel)) {

Why the metal L&F is tested, should at least any default L&F works(like Aqua)?


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/7416

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