Integrated: 8288948: Few J2DBench tests indicate lower primitive drawing performance with metal rendering pipeline

Ajit Ghaisas aghaisas at
Mon Jul 18 05:21:19 UTC 2022

On Wed, 22 Jun 2022 16:32:11 GMT, Ajit Ghaisas <aghaisas at> wrote:

> J2DBench test option files attached to [JDK-8288948]( indicate lower drawing performance on macOS with Metal rendering pipeline as compared to OpenGL rendering pipeline.
> **Analysis :** 
> Current implementation of 2D primitives (Line, Rectangle, Parallelogram - Draw/Fill operations) in Metal rendering pipeline follow below structure-
> 1) End points (vertices) required for the primitive drawing are put in a buffer.
> 2) The data prepared in above step is sent to GPU using MTLRenderCommandEncoder `setVertexBytes()` call
> 3) A draw command is issued using MTLRenderCommandEncoder `drawPrimitives()` call
> 4) Primitive Color is set (repeated when encoder or color changes) using MTLRenderCommandEncoder `setFragmentBytes()` call in MTLRenderCommandEncoder state update.
> **Root Cause of slower performance :**
> It is found that the multiple calls to MTLRenderCommandEncoder `drawPrimitives()` by using MTLRenderCommandEncoder `setVertexBytes()` to send a tiny amount of data each time slows down the rendering.
> **Fix :** 
> MTLRenderCommandEncoder `setVertexBytes()` can accept 4KB of buffer at a time.
> The primitive drawing logic is modified to collate adjacent draw calls as below -
> 1) A buffer of size approximately equal to 4KB is created - this is treated as common vertex buffer which is reused again and again
> 2) For each primitive draw call - the vertices needed for that draw call are added to the above buffer
> 3) When the buffer is full OR some other condition occurs ( e.g. breakage of draw primitive sequence, some other operation as change of color etc) - 
>      a) Vertex data buffer is sent to the GPU using MTLRenderCommandEncoder `setVertexBytes()` call.
>      b) A single (or multiple) draw command(s) are issued using MTLRenderCommandEncoder `drawPrimitives()` call.
> **More insight :** 
> In general, an application requires a mix of 2D shapes, images and text of different color and sizes.
> The performance test that we have measure rendering performance of extreme cases such as -
> 1) J2DBench - tests the repeated drawing of the same type and same color in a time period - e.g. Find the rendering speed of repeated 2D Line draw operation in X mSec?
> 2) RenderPerf test - tests the drawing of N primitives of the same type but each instance with a different color and capture FPS.
> This PR optimizes the Java2D Metal rendering pipeline implementation for the first case where the same primitive is drawn repeatedly without changing its color. Our current architecture needs to be tweaked to address slower performance shown by RenderPerf tests.  If needed, that needs to be done separately. 
> **Results :**
> The performance results are attached to the JBS.

This pull request has now been integrated.

Changeset: bc7a1ea2
Author:    Ajit Ghaisas <aghaisas at>
Stats:     257 lines in 4 files changed: 149 ins; 28 del; 80 mod

8288948: Few J2DBench tests indicate lower primitive drawing performance with metal rendering pipeline

Reviewed-by: avu, prr



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