RFR: 8277922: Unable to click JCheckBox in JTable through Java Access Bridge [v2]

Alexey Ivanov aivanov at openjdk.java.net
Tue Mar 8 17:27:06 UTC 2022

On Sat, 12 Feb 2022 00:52:26 GMT, Anton Litvinov <alitvinov at openjdk.org> wrote:

>> src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/JTable.java line 5493:
>>> 5491:         }
>>> 5492: 
>>> 5493:         protected class AccessibleBooleanRenderer
>> I guess the doAccessibleAction(i); should work in a similar way as something like "table,getCellJComponent()".click(). Is it actually possible to click on the cell w/o using robot and w/o a11y API just via Swing API and w/o adding code for each type of the renderer?
> I do not see the method "getCellJComponent" in JTable or anything like this, but what I see in the code is, yes, call to the method "doAccessibleAction(0)" of accessible action of accessible context of "JCheckBox" just calls "doClick()" method of "JCheckBox". Yes, sure, "doClick()" is the public method of any "javax.swing.AbstractButton" and can be called from anywhere having a reference to the instance of "javax.swing.AbstractButton".
> In the fix I added code to this particular renderer "JTable.BooleanRenderer" in order to be able to intercept every invocation of "boolean doAccessibleAction(int i)" method of its default "AccessibleAction" implementation which is "JCheckBox.AccessibleJCheckBox" and to be able to change a boolean value of a cell in "JTable".
> I am not going to add any similar code to other types of default table cell renderers, because first of all there are not many of them: "DefaultTableCellRenderer.UIResource", "NumberRenderer", "DoubleRenderer", "DateRenderer", "IconRenderer", "BooleanRenderer", they are used in the method "JTable.createDefaultRenderers()", and all of these renderers except for "BooleanRenderer" are derivatives of "JLabel" component which reports 0 supported accessible actions, so any default renderer except of "BooleanRenderer" does not support any accessible action. And the problem is that "BooleanRenderer" is derivative of "JCheckBox" and therefore it reports to the user through Java Access Bridge API, through Java Accessibility API that it supports 1 action called "click".

> Is it actually possible to click on the cell w/o using robot and w/o a11y API just via Swing API and w/o adding code for each type of the renderer?

No, it's not possible because there's no real component in each cell. The table draws the checkbox using `TableCellRenderer`, by default it's `BooleanRenderer` which extends `JCheckBox`.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/7416

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