RFR: 8190907: Windows 10 default Korean Font Malgun Gothic available not used by GUI elements even though available without Korean Language Pack

Prasanta Sadhukhan psadhukhan at openjdk.java.net
Fri Mar 11 12:07:48 UTC 2022

On Thu, 3 Mar 2022 07:46:27 GMT, Prasanta Sadhukhan <psadhukhan at openjdk.org> wrote:

>> There's no chaining mechanism in the way you describe it .. it would have to be in our fallback list.
>> Batang and Gulim are the fonts that have been available since .. well at least XP.
>> https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/font-list/batang
>> https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/font-list/gulim
>> Malun Gothic only came in with Windows 7 :-
>> https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/font-list/malgun-gothic
>> I think it reasonable to put malun.ttf in the "allfonts" as a fallback  if it really is pre-installed on ALL systems.
>> But actual Korean users really should be installing the Korean font pack regardless and then
>> we should pick the best available font. Maybe its the new ones now.
>> Replacing them would not have been possible in the past but now Vista isn't supported
>> Note that Gulim is a Sans Serif font, Batang a Serif font.
>> Malun Gothic is described as suitable for on screen display - it sounds like a replacement for Gulim
>> but not for Batang so it is correct you aren't replacing that.
>> But is there a new Serif font available too ?
>> Please investigate / check.
>> And it seems (ah I see Naoto spotted this too) there is a Bold version of
>> Malgun Gothic in its own ttf file : Malgunbd.ttf So we should start using that.
>> To your point about it not being in the pre-installed fonts it doesn't matter for the reason I gave.
>> One other thing you are going to have to check is the rendering of other scripts when running in a Korean locale.
>> Batang lists support for Arabic .. Malun does not .. but then neither does Gulim .. so it may be no worse.
>> But sequence.fallback doesn't have any obvious Arabic support.
>> We used to be able to count on Lucida Sans for that .. but may be there's another gap there.
>> Mainly make sure you don't increase that gap.
>> But is there a new Serif font available too ?
> I could not find any replacement for Batang serif font so have kept it same.
>> Bold version of Malgun Gothic in its own ttf file : Malgunbd.ttf So we should start using that
> Added
>> Arabic support.
> Tested with java/awt/font/NumericShaper/EasternArabicTest and MTTest..Rendered same before and after this fix.

> I assume that @prsadhuk tested that before updating the PR.

I tested with the testcase attached with the bug...not sure of the Serif usage..



PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/7643

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