RFR: 8278828 : java/awt/a11y/AccessibleTextTest.java's createTextArea() just shows instructions on the UI [v3]

lawrence.andrews duke at openjdk.java.net
Wed Mar 16 22:05:44 UTC 2022

On Thu, 16 Dec 2021 19:23:10 GMT, Artem Semenov <asemenov at openjdk.org> wrote:

>> Hi @savoptik, 
>> a) The test createTextArea() does not have JTextArea . I have attached the screen shot of the test https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8278828
>> b) The test does not say its a non-editable JTextArea. Even the exception String also say as follows
>> exceptionString = "Simple text area test failed!";  . 
>> c) If user press "Pass" to see the next test then there is no need of  createTextArea() . Correct me if I am wrong?
> a) The test createTextArea() does not have JTextArea .
> YES, createTextArea () does not create a JTextArea, but the instruction field itself is not editable JTextArea. Take a look at the AccessibleComponentTest to be sure.
> b) The test does not say its a non-editable JTextArea. Even the exception String also say as follows
> exceptionString = "Simple text area test failed!"; .
> Yes, the instructions do not indicate that this is not an editable JTextArea, you can supplement the instructions. As well as an exception String.
> c) If user press "Pass" to see the next test then there is no need of createTextArea() .
> There is a need.This test tries to cover all cases and possible configurations of various text components: single-line, multi-line, editable, non-editable - and various possible combinations. It is also convenient to use them when developing and debugging native implementations of a11y, for which they were created by me.

I have changed the instruction.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/6844

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