RFR: 8295737: macOS: Print content cut off when width > height with portrait orientation

Phil Race prr at openjdk.org
Tue Nov 1 17:53:24 UTC 2022

On Fri, 21 Oct 2022 08:42:12 GMT, Alexander Scherbatiy <alexsch at openjdk.org> wrote:

> A printed content is truncated on macOS if the content paper size width larger than height with portrait orientation or width is less than height with landscape orientation.
> To reproduce the issue run the [CutOffImage](https://bugs.openjdk.org/secure/attachment/101145/CutOffImage.java) sample on MacOS.
> Four rectangles are printed:
> 1. size 300x100, portrait orientation
> 2. size 300x100, landscape orientation
> 3. size 100x300, portrait orientation
> 4. size 100x300, landscape orientation
> The first and fourth rectangles are truncated: [cut off content](https://bugs.openjdk.org/secure/attachment/101153/before-fix-all.pdf)
> The reason is that NSPrintInfo class does not allow to set paper size and orientation independently.
> Setting paper size width large than height changes NSPrintInfo orientation to landscape.
> Setting paper size width less than height changes NSPrintInfo orientation to portrait.
> Updating NSPrintInfo orientation from landscape to portrait or from portrait to landscape swaps NSPrintInfo paper width and height.
> The Cocoa code that shows NSPrintInfo behavior:
> #import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
> int main()
> {
>     NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
>     NSApp = [NSApplication sharedApplication];
>     #ifdef __MAC_10_9 // code for SDK 10.9 or newer
>     #define NS_PORTRAIT NSPaperOrientationPortrait
>     #define NS_LANDSCAPE NSPaperOrientationLandscape
>     #else // code for SDK 10.8 or older
>     #define NS_PORTRAIT NSPortraitOrientation
>     #define NS_LANDSCAPE NSLandscapeOrientation
>     #endif
>     printf("NS_PORTRAIT: %d\n", NS_PORTRAIT);
>     printf("NS_LANDSCAPE: %d\n", NS_LANDSCAPE);
>     printf("create default print info\n");
>     NSPrintInfo* defaultPrintInfo = [[NSPrintInfo sharedPrintInfo] copy];
>     NSSize size = [defaultPrintInfo paperSize];
>     printf("orientation: %d, paper size: [%f, %f]\n", [defaultPrintInfo orientation], size.width, size.height);
>     printf("call setUpPrintOperationDefaultValues\n");
>     [defaultPrintInfo setUpPrintOperationDefaultValues];
>     size = [defaultPrintInfo paperSize];
>     printf("orientation: %d, paper size: [%f, %f]\n", [defaultPrintInfo orientation], size.width, size.height);
>     double w = 300.0;
>     double h = 100.0;
>     printf("set size: [%f, %f]\n", w, h);
>     [defaultPrintInfo setPaperSize:NSMakeSize(w, h)];
>     size = [defaultPrintInfo paperSize];
>     printf("orientation: %d, paper size: [%f, %f]\n", [defaultPrintInfo orientation], size.width, size.height);
>     printf("Set NS_PORTRAIT orientation\n");
>     [defaultPrintInfo setOrientation: NS_PORTRAIT];
>     size = [defaultPrintInfo paperSize];
>     printf("orientation: %d, paper size: [%f, %f]\n", [defaultPrintInfo orientation], size.width, size.height);
>     [NSApp run];
>     [NSApp release];
>     [pool release];
>     return(EXIT_SUCCESS);
> } 
> On macOS Mojave 10.14.5 it prints:
> create default print info
> orientation: 0, paper size: [612.000000, 792.000000]
> call setUpPrintOperationDefaultValues
> orientation: 0, paper size: [612.000000, 792.000000]
> set size: [300.000000, 100.000000]
> orientation: 1, paper size: [300.000000, 100.000000] // orientation flip
> Set NS_PORTRAIT orientation
> orientation: 0, paper size: [100.000000, 300.000000] // size flip
> ``` 
> There are four possible cases for printing a rectangle with different size and orientation:
> 1. Input: paper size: (w > h), orientation portrait
>   [dstPrintInfo setPaperSize: NSMakeSize(w, h)]  // size: (w, h), orientation: landscape
>   [dstPrintInfo setOrientation: NS_PORTRAIT]     // size: (h, w), orientation: portrait
>   Note: width and height are swapped
> 2. Input: paper size: (w > h), orientation landscape
>   [dstPrintInfo setPaperSize: NSMakeSize(h, w)]  // size: (h, w), orientation: portrait
>   [dstPrintInfo setOrientation: NS_LANDSCAPE]  // size: (w, h), orientation: landscape
> 3. Input: paper size: (w < h), orientation portrait
>   [dstPrintInfo setPaperSize: NSMakeSize(w, h)]  // size: (w, h), orientation: portrait
>   [dstPrintInfo setOrientation: NS_PORTRAIT]     // size: (w, h), orientation: portrait
> 4. Input: paper size: (w < h), orientation landscape
>   [dstPrintInfo setPaperSize: NSMakeSize(h, w)]  // size: (h, w), orientation: landscape
>   [dstPrintInfo setOrientation: NS_LANDSCAPE]  // size: (h, w), orientation: landscape
>   Note: width and height are swapped
> Only for cases 1 and 4 the final width and height are swapped.
> The proposed fix enlarges height for cases 1 and 4 to not cut the printed rectangle.
> It is not full fix which draws rectangles for cases 1 and 4 in the requested size.
> Setting requested size leads that subsequent orientation flips width and height.
> The fix only enlarges the truncated area in height direction. The enlarged area in width is preserved as before the fix.
> Printed rectangles before and after the fix:
> 1. size 300x100, portrait orientation: [before-fix-1.pdf](https://bugs.openjdk.org/secure/attachment/101157/before-fix-1.pdf),  [after-fix-1.pdf](https://bugs.openjdk.org/secure/attachment/101162/after-fix-1.pdf)
> 2. size 300x100, landscape orientation: [before-fix-2.pdf](https://bugs.openjdk.org/secure/attachment/101156/before-fix-2.pdf),  [after-fix-2.pdf](https://bugs.openjdk.org/secure/attachment/101161/after-fix-2.pdf)
> 3. size 100x300, portrait orientation: [before-fix-3.pdf](https://bugs.openjdk.org/secure/attachment/101155/before-fix-3.pdf),  [after-fix-3.pdf](https://bugs.openjdk.org/secure/attachment/101160/after-fix-3.pdf)
> 4. size 100x300, landscape orientation: [before-fix-4.pdf](https://bugs.openjdk.org/secure/attachment/101154/before-fix-4.pdf),  [after-fix-4.pdf](https://bugs.openjdk.org/secure/attachment/101159/after-fix-4.pdf)
> All four rectangles: [before-fix-all.pdf](https://bugs.openjdk.org/secure/attachment/101153/before-fix-all.pdf),  [after-fix-all.pdf](https://bugs.openjdk.org/secure/attachment/101158/after-fix-all.pdf)

The printer doesn't pull paper from a different physically oriented tray when you
request landscape.

Landscape is just portrait rotated by +/- 90 degrees. And vice versa.
Ultimately a transform is being applied to rotate the rendering so rather than
changing the width and height instead rotate by 90 degrees.

I'd have to hunt it down but somewhere .. some case .. some platform in the
printing code I recall we do this for cases where the platform doesn't support
an orientation -  REVERSE_LANDSCAPE.
That might help a little but I think that may be in shared code ..
hmm .. looks like macOS code doesn't attempt to support that mode at all.
>        // AppKit printing doesn't support REVERSE_LANDSCAPE. Radar 2960295.

Something else that could be fixed via a transform

I am not 100% sure it can still be done solely in macOS specific code,
It may need to touch something in the macOS CPrint* java classes
if the Java-level graphics transform is what would need to be adjusted.

But it could perhaps be handled by specifying a transform on
the PrinterView (JDK's subclass of NSView)

I don't have any more specific pointer than that .. I'd have to go try it .. which
isn't on my radar ..


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/10808

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