Integrated: 4834298: JFileChooser.getSelectedFiles() failed with multi-selection and double-click

Tejesh R tr at
Tue Sep 13 04:56:48 UTC 2022

On Wed, 24 Aug 2022 07:44:52 GMT, Tejesh R <tr at> wrote:

> JFileChooser.getSelectedFiles() failed to retrieve files with multi-selection and double-click. This occurs when a single file is selected then enable multi-selection then select the same file through mouse double-click(Two file chooser dialogs used before and after multi-selection enabled). SelectedFiles are updated when a change in files/directory selection is done or when selection is made through keyboard selection. In this case since a single file is selected before multi-selection is enabled and same file is selected again without changing the selection index/directory, leaving selected Files un-updated. 
> **Proposed Fix** : Whenever Multi-Selection is enabled check if any files are selected, if yes update the selected Files of JFileChoooser.

This pull request has now been integrated.

Changeset: 9cd3e355
Author:    Tejesh R <tr at>
Committer: Jayathirth D V <jdv at>
Stats:     95 lines in 2 files changed: 93 ins; 1 del; 1 mod

4834298: JFileChooser.getSelectedFiles() failed with multi-selection and double-click

Reviewed-by: jdv



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