RFR: 8289539: The color returned by CheckBox.interiorBackground is incorrect

Jayathirth D V jdv at openjdk.org
Mon Sep 26 15:31:26 UTC 2022

On Mon, 26 Sep 2022 06:03:27 GMT, Tejesh R <tr at openjdk.org> wrote:

>> test/jdk/javax/swing/JCheckBox/InteriorBackgroundTest.java line 33:
>>> 31:  * @test
>>> 32:  * @bug 8289539
>>> 33:  * @key headful
>> Is this test marked headful to load system colors associated with the LAF? 
>> Since we are not displaying anything on screen.
> I specified as headful since I'm using JFrame to subclass and change the Look and Feel at Runtime. Not sure if I can make is headless.

Just because we are extending JFrame, i think there is no need to make it headful.
You can remove the @headful tag and see whether it runs in our CI systems.


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/10385

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