RFR: JDK-8293776 : Adds CSS 4 and 8 digits hex coded Color [v6]

ScientificWare duke at openjdk.org
Wed Sep 28 22:01:12 UTC 2022

On Tue, 27 Sep 2022 02:40:45 GMT, ScientificWare <duke at openjdk.org> wrote:

>>> Could we reach a conciliation with this version. ? All cases are treated in 2 or 3 tests.
>> Your new versions introduce one more condition to each case and make the code more complicated and less clear. I am for concise, clear and readable code. I am against premature optimisation, and it hasn't been proved yet that there's a performance issue.
>> Combining the cases of `n == 3` and `n == 4` avoids code duplication by introducing one more comparison to both cases. If this becomes a critical path, JIT could optimise the code.
>> As such, I am still for combining these two cases. If you insist, I'm okay with your original code with code duplication. Yet I'd like to eliminate the duplicate code.
>>> Some articles suggest to avoid using exceptions as flow controls. I never tested this point. That's why I introduced Patterns in this method.
>> It's true, creating an exception object is a somewhat expensive operation. Yet you say, “_most_ of color notations are correct”, therefore an incorrect color which cannot be parsed is rare, so it's _an exceptional situation_, it is okay to use exceptions in this case. You also say, “Pattern usage has a significant time cost,” at the same time, you introduce a small time penalty for each and every correct color.
>> I think the hex pattern is redundant.
>>> I also wish to test the version with bit rotation too :
>>> ```java
>>>             return new Color(Integer.rotateRight(Integer.parseUnsignedInt(digits, 16),8),
>>>                             true);
>>> ```
>> It could be not as clear, yet it works.
>> May I suggest wrapping the code for `Color` and `rotateRight` arguments?
>>             return new Color(
>>                     Integer.rotateRight(Integer.parseUnsignedInt(digits, 16),
>>                                         8),
>>                     true);
>> It fits better into 80-column limit. Alternatively, wrap the second parameter of `rotateRight` only:
>>             return new Color(Integer.rotateRight(Integer.parseUnsignedInt(digits, 16),
>>                                                  8),
>>                              true);
>> This way it's easier to see how many bits are rotated.
> @aivanov-jdk My previous proposition perfectly respected all your suggestions and didn't introduce a new test.
> But this discussion should be outdated if you validate this new approach. Performance results came from my repository I mentioned in the header.
> - Our previous codes ran in 1 200ms to 1800 ms with `String` + `formatted` + `%n$s` usage.
> - They ran in 350ms to 380ms with `String` + `formatted` + `%s` usage.
> - And in 100ms to 110ms if we replace `String` + `format` with a string concatenation.
> - Now the code below gives the same results in 45ms. Since we control notation length we 
>    - can bypass some controls,
>    - directly generate the color value,
>    - without generate a new string, 
>    - and reject a wrong number format without generate any exception.
>     static final Color hexToColor(String digits) {
>         int st = 0;
>         if (digits.startsWith("#")) {
>             st = 1;
>         }
>         // CSS level 4
>         // - defines color hex code as #[2 digits Red][2 digits Green][2 digits Blue][2 digits Alpha]. With digit 0 ... f.
>         // - allows, webpage passes 3, 4, 6 or 8 digit color code.
>         //   - 3 digits #[R][G][B] ........ represents #[RR][GG][BB]FF
>         //   - 4 digits #[R][G][B][A] ..... represents #[RR][GG][BB][AA]
>         //   - 6 digits #[RR][GG][BB] ..... represents #[RR][GG][BB]FF
>         //   - 8 digits #[RR][GG][BB][AA] . represents #[RR][GG][BB][AA]
>         //
>         // Becareful ! In java.awt.Color hex #[2 digits Alpha][2 digits Red][2 digits Green][2 digits Blue]
>         // Comme cette méthode est définie dans CSS, elle doit traiter uniquement le format CSS Leve 4.
>         //
>         // According notes below the current OpenJDK implementation is
>         // - 3 digits #[R][G][B]    represents #[RR][GG][BB]FF
>         // - 6 digits #[R][G][B]    represents #[RR][GG][BB]FF
>         //
>         // Some webpage passes 3 digit color code as in #fff which is
>         // decoded as #000FFF resulting in blue background.
>         // As per https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS1/#color-units,
>         // The three-digit RGB notation (#rgb) is converted into six-digit form
>         // (#rrggbb) by replicating digits, not by adding zeros.
>         // This makes sure that white (#ffffff) can be specified with the short notation
>         // (#fff) and removes any dependencies on the color depth of the display.
>         byte[] idseq;
>         if ((idseq  = digit.get(Integer.valueOf(digits.length() - st))) == null) {
>             // Rejects string argument with a wrong number length.
>             return null;
>         }
>         // Only 3, 4, 6 and 8 digits notations.
>         long value = 0;
>         // Parses the string argument and build color value
>         for (byte i : idseq) {
>             value *= 16;
>             int dv = 15;
>             if (i != -1) {
>                 if ((dv = Character.digit(digits.charAt(st + i), 16)) < 0) {
>                     // Rejects string argument with not a valid digit in the radix-16
>                     return null;
>                 }
>             }
>             value += dv;
>         }
>         return new Color((int)value, true);
>     }
>     // Index of the Digit in the Sequence
>     private static Map<Integer, byte[]> digit =
>         Map.ofEntries(
>             Map.entry(Integer.valueOf(3), new byte[]{-1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2}),
>             Map.entry(Integer.valueOf(4), new byte[]{3, 3, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2}),
>             Map.entry(Integer.valueOf(6), new byte[]{-1, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}),
>             Map.entry(Integer.valueOf(8), new byte[]{6, 7, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5})
>         );

Should I declare `idseq` as `final` for the same reasons `a`, `b`, `c` were declared `final` in the previous version.


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/10317

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