RFR: 8302687 Implement interfaces and shared code for announcement feature [v2]

Alexander Zuev kizune at openjdk.org
Mon Apr 17 00:52:43 UTC 2023

On Fri, 17 Mar 2023 19:41:42 GMT, Artem Semenov <asemenov at openjdk.org> wrote:

>> This enhancement covers basic API and shared code that should be implemented for the Accessibility Announcement feature.
>> CSR [JDK-8304499](https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-8304499 "bugs.openjdk.org")
>> @mrserb @prrace @azuev-java please review
> Artem Semenov has updated the pull request incrementally with two additional commits since the last revision:
>  - update
>  - I suppose that adding @Native to AccessibleAnnouncer constants would simplify the code

Since there is a new interface and a default implementation for it the CSR process should be invoked. See https://wiki.openjdk.org/display/csr/CSR+FAQs

Q: What sort of changes require CSR review?
A: Any change to a JDK interface meant to be used outside of the JDK itself requires CSR review. In this context "interface" isn't limited to the Java programing language definition of an interface, but encompasses the broader concept of a protocol between the JDK and users of the JDK. Examples of interfaces by this definition include:

- Changes to public and exported APIs in java.* and javax.* packages.

And that falls well within that clause.


PR Review: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/13001#pullrequestreview-1387118201

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