Stage Manager Problems

Harshitha Onkar harshitha.onkar at
Thu Feb 16 06:57:56 UTC 2023

Hi Jeremy,

Does any of the following options help in your case to determine whether or not the frame is iconified?

  1.  frame.isActive()
  2.  frame.isFocused()
  3.  frame.isAlwaysOnTop()

Thanks & Regards,
Harshitha Onkar

From: client-libs-dev <client-libs-dev-retn at> On Behalf Of Jeremy Wood
Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2023 10:08 PM
To: client-libs-dev at
Subject: Stage Manager Problems

We’re experiencing problems related JFrames while Stage Manager<> is active Mac.

When Stage Manager is active the yellow minimize button on our JFrame’s appears to “minimize” our app. But as far as our Frame is concerned:
1. Frame.getExtendedState() does not indicate we’re in an ICONIFIED state
2. Frame.isShowing() returns true
3. a java.awt.desktop.AppForegroundListener believes our app is in the foreground.

We want to identify when we’re in this hidden state. Is there any other property we can consult to help identify this state?

I’m happy to submit an openjdk ticket if needed, but first I wanted to sanity check that I’m not missing something. (I also tried querying<> the openJDK bug database, but didn’t see any hits.)

I tried rummaging around in Mac-specific classes (like CPlatformWindow), but I didn’t see any promising leads. It’s always possible I missed something, though.

Attached is a small 200-line demo app.
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