Integrated: 8302838: jabswitch main() should avoid calling exit explicitly

Julian Waters jwaters at
Wed Feb 22 06:30:59 UTC 2023

On Mon, 20 Feb 2023 08:10:54 GMT, Julian Waters <jwaters at> wrote:

> In jabswitch, main is defined as `void main()`, which requires an explicit exit call whenever an error occurs, and extra error checking code on our part. Visual C++ will automatically convert all instances of `void main()` to return 0 in all cases anyway, and there isn't anything gained from using this custom signature when the same can be achieved by simply returning the error value normally, so I propose we simply change it to the regular `int main` signature

This pull request has now been integrated.

Changeset: cba817ae
Author:    Julian Waters <jwaters at>
Stats:     6 lines in 1 file changed: 1 ins; 4 del; 1 mod

8302838: jabswitch main() should avoid calling exit explicitly

Reviewed-by: serb



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