Integrated: 8302173: Button border overlaps with button icon on macOS system LaF

Damon Nguyen dnguyen at
Thu Feb 23 20:44:19 UTC 2023

On Sat, 11 Feb 2023 00:23:05 GMT, Damon Nguyen <dnguyen at> wrote:

> Previous fix to HTML in AquaButtonUI fixed spacing issue for HTML images in a JButton in Aqua L&F. The new issue comes from having text inside the HTML as the button's text. If an icon is used, this icon exceeds the bounds of the button and overlaps the border.
> Added additional logic to check if HTML contains an img. If so, apply the previous fix. Otherwise, the original implementation for Aqua's JButton HTML layout works correctly, so use this behavior.
> Added a test based on the provided test in the bug report. Automated the test using a BufferedImage and changed the icon color to RED. Tested with multiple runs on Aqua L&F, and the test passes with the update where it fails without the update.

This pull request has now been integrated.

Changeset: 1a078714
Author:    Damon Nguyen <dnguyen at>
Committer: Harshitha Onkar <honkar at>
Stats:     177 lines in 2 files changed: 163 ins; 3 del; 11 mod

8302173: Button border overlaps with button icon on macOS system LaF

Reviewed-by: honkar, psadhukhan



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