RFR: 8301846: Invalid TargetDataLine after screen lock when using JFileChooser or COM library [v3]
Renjith Kannath Pariyangad
duke at openjdk.org
Tue Jul 25 11:45:53 UTC 2023
On Tue, 25 Jul 2023 09:10:10 GMT, Alexey Ivanov <aivanov at openjdk.org> wrote:
> > @aivanov-jdk, Thank you for your time and reviews, `CoInitializeEx(NULL, 0)` also resolving this problem because as per document **The default is COINIT_MULTITHREADED**.
> This is what I expected, however, the documentation for [`COINIT`](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/objbase/ne-objbase-coinit) doesn't spell out the value for `COINIT_MULTITHREADED`.
As per the declaration yes its 0 [tagCOINIT](https://github.com/wine-mirror/wine/blob/master/include/objbase.h)
> > In my debug session noticed `DirectSoundCaptureEnumerate` getting called ahead of thread call or ::CoInitialize and that was the root cause this failure.
> If it is the case, I can't see that you have ensured that `DirectSoundCaptureEnumerate` is called after `CoInitialize`. Do I miss anything?
Yes, You are right in main thread no CoInitialize
> > For resolving this found 3 ways and all works:
> >
> > 1. Use COM multi-threading :- Simplest approach with respect to other solutions
> Probably… But it is still incorrect. Initialising COM on _a thread_ doesn't mean you can call COM object methods from **any thread** in your application.
> As the documentation says, “You need to initialize the COM library on a thread before you call any of the library functions…” (I have this very quote in [my comment above](https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/pull/14898#discussion_r1272027291).)
> > 2. Hold the call till CoInitialize : - Can end up in deadlock situation so that need to be taken care.
> It's a challenge but it is the only right way, as far as I can see… Perhaps not to wait till `::CoInitialize` is called on a thread (see above) but to transfer a call for handling to a thread where COM is initialised.
These two approach didn't do ::CoInitialize in running thread (main thread)
> > 3. Do another CoInitialize before call :- not a good approach
> Yet it does not break the rules: you can initialise COM, call an API and then call [`CoUninitialize`](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/combaseapi/nf-combaseapi-couninitialize). If you don't keep any references to COM objects, it is valid.
Tried this approach and it works, we may need to do the similar approach for another function `DAUDIO_GetDirectAudioDeviceDescription` because this also calling `DirectSoundEnumerateW `& `DirectSoundCaptureEnumerateW `
> > _This implies that any thread which creates DirectSound objects must initialise COM first. I can't see it happening. Do I miss anything?_ `DS_StartBufferHelper` class initializing COM in thread and all member functions checking initialization status before making any calls. So another solution may be restructure the code for accessing `isInitialized()` method from outer methods and proceed. (approach 2 in better way)
> > Tried this approach with `::CoInitialize` and observed _truncated names_, but its not failing for lock unlock workflow.
> As I explained above, it would still be incorrect: if enumerating sound devices requires COM, it must be initialised on the thread where you enumerate the devices.
Got your point.
PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/14898#discussion_r1273399494
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