RFR: 8308286 Fix clang warnings in linux code [v3]

Weijun Wang weijun at openjdk.org
Wed May 31 13:55:57 UTC 2023

On Wed, 31 May 2023 13:37:06 GMT, Artem Semenov <asemenov at openjdk.org> wrote:

>> When using the clang compiler to build OpenJDk on Linux, we encounter various "warnings as errors".
>> They can be fixed with small changes.
> Artem Semenov has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional commit since the last revision:
>   update

src/java.security.jgss/share/native/libj2gss/gssapi.h line 47:

> 45: 
> 46: // Condition was copied from
> 47: // Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/gssapi/gssapi.h

In the current version of the file above, it's written as

#if defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__ppc__) ||...

Is it better?


PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/14033#discussion_r1211757380

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