RFR: 8283214: [macos] Screen magnifier does not show the magnified text for JcomboBox [v8]

Alexey Ivanov aivanov at openjdk.org
Mon Nov 6 19:51:41 UTC 2023

On Mon, 6 Nov 2023 07:17:27 GMT, Abhishek Kumar <abhiscxk at openjdk.org> wrote:

>> This is definitely an improvement compared to the complete lack of magnified text on hover, but it still doesn't handle custom renderers.
>> I've been digging into how this works in Metal but I couldn't figure it out completely. Eventually, it gets to `JList` of the popup, the list returns the renderer component as its child at the specified position — this is how text from the renderer gets used as the accessible name.
>> This should work for Aqua L&F too, all UI classes are derived from `BasicUI`, but for whatever reason it doesn't, and I didn't figure it out unfortunately.
>> However, I came up with an alternative solution which handles custom renderers nicely. You can find my version at [commit eee17ca](https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/commit/eee17ca7fc07fb87997040589bde83f5fad9fdea), it shows the changes to your latest version in the PR. You can also view [the diff to jdk/master](https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/compare/master...aivanov-jdk:jdk:eee17ca7fc07fb87997040589bde83f5fad9fdea).
>> Ideally, I'd like to make Aqua L&F classes work like Metal or Nimbus do. I spent quite a lot of time, and it requires even more time to understand how it gets to `JList.AccessibleJList` and `AccessibleJListChild`.
>> This is definitely an improvement compared to the complete lack of magnified text on hover, but it still doesn't handle custom renderers.
>> I've been digging into how this works in Metal but I couldn't figure it out completely. Eventually, it gets to `JList` of the popup, the list returns the renderer component as its child at the specified position — this is how text from the renderer gets used as the accessible name.
>> This should work for Aqua L&F too, all UI classes are derived from `BasicUI`, but for whatever reason it doesn't, and I didn't figure it out unfortunately.
>> However, I came up with an alternative solution which handles custom renderers nicely. You can find my version at [commit eee17ca](https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/commit/eee17ca7fc07fb87997040589bde83f5fad9fdea), it shows the changes to your latest version in the PR. You can also view [the diff to jdk/master](https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/compare/master...aivanov-jdk:jdk:eee17ca7fc07fb87997040589bde83f5fad9fdea).
>> Ideally, I'd like to make Aqua L&F classes work like Metal or Nimbus do. I spent quite a lot of time, and it requires even more time to understand how it gets to `JList.AccessibleJList` and `AccessibleJListChild`.
> Thanks @aivanov-jdk for your detailed analysis. I will go through the alternate fix you suggested and check the behavior of VoiceOver and will run the CI jobs to ensure there is no regression as such.

@kumarabhi006 I attached the app that I used for testing to [JDK-8283214](https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-8283214): `MagnifierTest.java`


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/14497#issuecomment-1796222620

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