WindowsLookAndFeel change in JDK 22

Philip Race philip.race at
Fri Nov 24 23:30:38 UTC 2023

I don't recall anything specific to this. Since you say "current EA 
build", does that imply very recently ?
My guess is that it is fall out from upgrading the Windows compiler + 
SDK and
we are no longer able to load the uxtheme library on Windows 7 needed 
for the WindowsL&F.
Note that it has been several years since anyone supported or tested 
Windows 7.
If you can confirm this started with JDK 22 b23 that would pretty much 
confirm the theory.


On 11/24/23 3:08 PM, Simon Nash wrote:
> In the current EA build of JDK 22, selecting WindowsLookAndFeel on 
> Windows 7 shows the same (ugly) UI style as WindowsClassicLookAndFeel.
> With JDK 22 on Windows 10 and also with JDK 21 and below on both 
> Windows 7 and Windows 10, this works as expected with different styles 
> for WindowsLookAndFeel and WindowsClassicLookAndFeel.
> Is this an intentional change in JDK 22 or a bug? If it is 
> intentional, what was the reason?
> Thanks, Simon

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