Misleading message when using Image I/O for write operations

Aleksei Ivanov alexey.ivanov at oracle.com
Thu Oct 5 15:16:25 UTC 2023

Hi Martin,

It is reasonable to assume creating an output stream may also throw 
|IOException|. The code handles this situation but it doesn't re-throw 
the exception because its contract states it returns null in this case.

The third option looks as the best solution. Any usages of the API are 
still expected to handle |IOException|.

At the same time, there could be reasons why it's not the best choice. I 
didn't look thoroughly into the code.


On 13/09/2022 10:53, Martin Desruisseaux wrote:
> Hello all
> The ImageIO class contains the following method (copying only relevant 
> parts). The key point to notice is that any IOException is assumed to 
> be a problem with the cache file, never with the main output stream:
>     /**
>       * …snip…
>       * @return an {@code ImageOutputStream}, or {@code null}.
>       * …snip…
>       * @exception IOException if a cache file is needed but cannot be created.
>       */
>     public static ImageOutputStream createImageOutputStream(Object output) throws IOException {
>          // …snip…
>          try {
>              return spi.createOutputStreamInstance(output,
>                                                    usecache,
>                                                    getCacheDirectory());
>          } catch (IOException e) {
>              throw new IIOException("Can't create cache file!", e);
>          }
>          // …snip…
>          return null;
>     }
> In the particular case where the output is a java.io.File, the SPI 
> implementation is as below (augmented with a copy of the Javadoc from 
> public API). Note that the javadoc does not mention that 
> ImageOutputStreamSpi.createOutputStreamInstance(…) may return null.
>     /**
>       * …snip…
>       * @return an {@code ImageOutputStream} instance.
>       * …snip…
>       * @exception IOException if a cache file is needed but cannot be created.
>       */
>     public ImageOutputStream createOutputStreamInstance(…snip…) throws IOException {
>          // …snip…
>          try {
>              return new FileImageOutputStream((File)output);
>          } catch (Exception e) {
>              e.printStackTrace();
>              return null;
>          }
>          // …snip…
>     }
> In case of failure to create the output stream, ImageIO.write(…) 
> throws an exception with the "Can't create an ImageOutputStream!" 
> message, but we don't know why. The cause (for example no space left 
> on device) is hidden in the System.err outputs. If we replace the 
> com.sun.imageio.spi.FileImageOutputStreamSpi implementation by our own 
> provider propagating the IOException instead of returning null, it is 
> slightly better but the exception is caught by 
> ImageIO.createImageOutputStream and rethrown with the misleading 
> "Can't create cache file!" message. The consequence is that when 
> writing millions of images (e.g. Earth Observation data) and the 
> process fails somewhere at ImageOutputStream creation time, it is 
> currently difficult to identify the cause.
> Possible actions for improving the situation could be (from less 
> disruptive to most disruptive):
>   * Replace the e.printStackTrace() call by the use of logger.
>   * Remove the try … catch block in
>     ImageIO.createImageOutputStream(…), so if an SPI choose to throw
>     IOException (at the cost of violating current Image I/O contract),
>     ImageIO does not misleadingly said that it is a problem with the
>     cache.
>   * Modify ImageIO.createImageOutputStream(…) contract by saying that
>     IOException may be thrown because of failure to create the main
>     output stream, not only because of failure to create the cache
>     file. Adapt FileImageOutputStreamSpi implementation accordingly.
> Is there any thought about what would be reasonable, what would be too 
> much disruption?
>     Regards,
>         Martin
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