RFR: 8307246 : Printing: banded raster path doesn't account for device offset values [v7]

vtstydev duke at openjdk.org
Fri Feb 2 05:38:03 UTC 2024

On Thu, 1 Feb 2024 04:54:13 GMT, Prasanta Sadhukhan <psadhukhan at openjdk.org> wrote:

>>> Also, is there any need of drawing the inner rectangle if there will not be any differences to it...it will be less confusing for the tester
>> I need to draw something with opacity and something with transparency colors, otherwise I couldn't compare different ways for page printing. Honestly I don't know how to replace it with something invisible for tester except to reduce its size
>> > Also, is there any need of drawing the inner rectangle if there will not be any differences to it...it will be less confusing for the tester
>> I need to draw something with opacity and something with transparency colors, otherwise I couldn't compare different ways for page printing. Honestly I don't know how to replace it with something invisible for tester except to reduce its size
> If it is only meant for you to compare like an "unit test", then you can pass an argument to the test like "java AlphaPrintingOffset testAlpha" and if "testAlpha" argument is set, then only invoke drawSmallRectangle...For other tester, the smaller rectangles are no different between fixed version and non-fixed version so of no use, I guess
> Also, ideally pg 1,2,3,5 are also not needed as they are same before fix and after fix and since we have to use physical printer to print and compare, 8 pages are wasted per testing iteration, when just comparing 2 pages pg 4,6 are enough for this "regression test" to prove this fix

@prsadhuk I would like to backport this patch to jdk8. OpenJDK guide says it may do somebody with access in JBS. May you help me ? Recommend me please who may I address to If you can't?


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/17030#issuecomment-1922865183

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