RFR: 8294148: Support JSplitPane for instructions and test UI

Dmitry Markov dmarkov at openjdk.org
Mon Feb 19 11:28:55 UTC 2024

On Wed, 14 Feb 2024 13:22:48 GMT, Alexey Ivanov <aivanov at openjdk.org> wrote:

> This enhancement adds three methods to `PassFailJFrame.Builder`:
> 1. **`splitUIRight`** to display test UI to the right of the instructions;
> 2. **`splitUIBottom`** to display test UI to the bottom of the instructions;
> 3. `splitUI`: a convenience method for a default split orientation, currently defaults to `splitUIRight`.
> If UI of a test is simple, it's reasonable to embed the test UI into the instruction UI. In this case, there's only one frame the tester will be interacting with.
> The implementation is similar to that of `testUI` provided under [JDK-8294156](https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-8294156). The `splitUI-` method accept a reference to `PanelCreator` interface. Instead of creating an entire frame, you create only a component, usually a `JPanel` or `Box`, which contains all the test UI.
> For example,
>         PassFailJFrame.builder()
>                       .instructions("Instructions for the test")
>                       .splitUI(() -> {
>                           JPanel panel = new JPanel();
>                           panel.add(new JButton("Click Me"));
>                           return panel;
>                       })
>                       .build()
>                       .awaitAndCheck();
> In addition to it, there's an advanced `testUI` method which accepts `PanelCreator`; in this case the test UI is hosted in `JDialog` with the instruction frame being its owner. Because the test UI is in a modeless owned dialog, it always displays above the instruction frame, switch to the test app brings up both the instructions and test UI. I don't expect it'd be used often, yet it's easy to implement.

Marked as reviewed by dmarkov (Reviewer).


PR Review: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/17845#pullrequestreview-1888189283

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