RFR: 8323108: BufferedImage.setData(Raster) should not cast float and double values to integers

Sergey Bylokhov serb at openjdk.org
Sun Jan 7 23:32:53 UTC 2024

On Thu, 4 May 2023 10:14:10 GMT, Martin Desruisseaux <duke at openjdk.org> wrote:

> The `BufferedImage` Javadoc does not mention any constraint about the data type. In practice, `BufferedImage` with floating point values can be rendered by Java2D as well as integers, provided that a compatible `ColorModel` was supplied at construction time. However calls to `setData(Raster)` unexpectedly cast floating point values to integers. For example sample value 0.8 become 0. This is demonstrated by the `SetData` test case in this pull request.
> An easy fix, which is proposed in this pull request, is to replace the whole `BufferedImage.setData(Raster)` method body by a simple call to `WritableRaster.setRect(Raster)`, which handles all `DataBuffer` types correctly. The method contracts documented in their respective Javadoc are compatible. Furthermore an examination of their source code shows that they are equivalent, except for the differences noted in the _Behavioural changes_ section below.
> # Source code comparison
> For demonstrating that delegating to `WritableRaster.setRect(Raster)` would be equivalent to the current code, one can copy the method body and apply the following changes:
> * Remove `dx` parameter, replaced by 0.
> * Remove `dy` parameter, replaced by 0.
> * Rename `srcRaster` parameter as `r` (like in `BufferedImage`).
> * Rename `startY` variable as `i` (like in `BufferedImage`).
> * Rename `srcOffX` variable as `startX` (like in `BufferedImage`).
> * Rename `srcOffY` variable as `startY` (like in `BufferedImage`).
> * Replace `this.minX` by 0 and simplify.
> * Replace `this.minY` by 0 and simplify.
> * Remove the `switch` statement, keeping only the `TYPE_INT` case.
> Then compare with `BufferedImage.setData(Raster)`. The modified block of code from `WritableRaster` is:
> int width  = r.getWidth();
> int height = r.getHeight();
> int startX = r.getMinX();
> int startY = r.getMinY();
> We can see that above code is identical to `BufferedImage`. The next modified block of code from `WritableRaster`:
> int dstOffX = startX;
> int dstOffY = startY;
> // Clip to this raster
> if (dstOffX < 0) {
>     width += dstOffX;
>     startX -= dstOffX;    // = 0 because dstOffX == startX
>     dstOffX = 0;
> }
> if (dstOffY < 0) {
>     height += dstOffY;
>     startY -= dstOffY;    // = 0 because dstOffY == startY
>     dstOffY = 0;
> }
> if (dstOffX+width > this.width) {
>     width = this.width - dstOffX;
> }
> if (dstOffY+height > this.height) {
>     height = this.height - dstOffY;
> }
> if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) {
>     return;
> }
> Above is equivalent to the following code from `BufferedImage`, ex...

This change looks fine to me as is, but I think it would be useful to eliminate the next issue with the same patch(it depends on the change size):
@prrace do you have a preference should we fix that in one or separate patches?

>Do we also modify the WritableRaster.setRect(Raster) implementation for preserving the integer underflow safety of current BufferedImage implementation? The change would be to replace current intersection calculation by call to Rectangle.intersection(…).

ok, let's use a solution based on the `Rectangle.intersection`

keep open

src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/image/BufferedImage.java line 1523:

> 1521:         Rectangle bclip = new Rectangle(0, 0, raster.width, raster.height);
> 1522:         Rectangle intersect = rclip.intersection(bclip);
> 1523:         if (intersect.isEmpty()) {

Does the "raster.setRect" has equivalent optimizations? it seems that method implements handcrafter "intersection", any idea why it was implemented that way?


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/13797#issuecomment-1796884736
PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/13797#issuecomment-1805005732
PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/13797#issuecomment-1876243855
PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/13797#discussion_r1185633352

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