Alternative syntax for closures

Neal Gafter neal at
Tue Jul 15 14:38:27 PDT 2008

And how is your method invoked?  How do I get exception transparency for
non-trailing arguments?

On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 1:16 PM, Rémi Forax <forax at> wrote:

> Neal Gafter a écrit :
>> Can you please show me how you intend one would write the equivalent of
>> the following BGGA method?
>> *<throws E> void myIf(
>>      boolean cond,
>>      {=>void throws E} truePart,
>>      {=>void throws E} falsePart) throws E {
>>  (cond ? truePart : falsePart).invoke();
>> }
>> *
>> Regards,
>> Neal
> Voila :
> void myIf(boolean cond) truePart() falsePart() {
>  if (cond)
>   truePart().invoke();
>  else
>   falsePart().invoke();
> }
> Rémi
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