Closure conversion vs silly type parameter

Mark Mahieu mark at
Tue May 13 19:37:44 PDT 2008

This one has me scratching my head a bit.  The following (rather odd)  
class compiles successfully despite there being a checked exception  
thrown which is never caught or declared to be thrown in the method  

public class Hmmm {

     public static void main(String[] args) {
         foo() {
             throw new Exception();

     static <T extends {==> void}> void foo(T block) {

Interestingly, the following version, which assigns the closure  
literal to a variable of the corresponding function type first, fails  
to compile (which is as I'd expect).

public class Hmmm2 {

     public static void main(String[] args) {
         { => void throws Exception} f = {=> throw new Exception(); };

     static <T extends {==> void}> void foo(T block) {

Reading the closure conversion and function type subtyping rules  
again, I can't see why one would be allowed and the other not... any  
clues as to what I'm missing here?


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