unrestricted closures

Vladimir Kirichenko vladimir.kirichenko at gmail.com
Sat Nov 15 19:26:29 PST 2008

More accurate problematic example:

public class Test {

          static {int ==> int} temp;

          static void term() {
                  {int==>int} t = {int i ==> if (i > 5) return; i};
                  temp = t;


          static int m(int i, {int ==> int} f) {
                  int y = f.invoke(i + 5);
                  return y;

          static int caller(int i) {
                  return m(i,temp);
          public static void main(String... args) {
                  int x = caller(5);

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnmatchedTransfer: late transfer
          at java.lang.Jump.transfer(Jump.java:48)
          at test.Test$3.+invoke(Test.java:12)
          at test.Test$3.invoke(Test.java:12)
          at test.Test.m(Test.java:18)
          at test.Test.caller(Test.java:23)
          at test.Test.main(Test.java:29)
Caused by: test.Test$2

And it's not the bug - code like this could appear in different cases,
it just shows what unrestricted closures passing could raise.

Best Regards,
Vladimir Kirichenko
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