VerifyError: Wrong return type in function

Neal Gafter neal at
Sat Oct 4 10:13:27 PDT 2008

Sounds like I really should look into fixing this.  I had hoped this problem
went away with my most recent changes, but I didn't check.  Apparently not.

All of the previous versions are available for download, in files of the
form where those are the
year, month, and day that I produced the prototype.  Here is a list of the
ones that are there:

closures-2008-02-01.tar.gz  closures-2008-02-26.tar.gz
closures-2008-04-27.tar.gz  closures-2008-07-07.tar.gz
closures-2008-02-02.tar.gz  closures-2008-03-05.tar.gz
closures-2008-05-04.tar.gz  closures-2008-07-13.tar.gz
closures-2008-02-07.tar.gz  closures-2008-03-17.tar.gz
closures-2008-05-10.tar.gz  closures-2008-08-02.tar.gz
closures-2008-02-12.tar.gz  closures-2008-03-18.tar.gz
closures-2008-05-11.tar.gz  closures-2008-08-04.tar.gz
closures-2008-02-18.tar.gz  closures-2008-03-22.tar.gz
closures-2008-07-04.tar.gz  closures-2008-08-11.tar.gz
closures-2008-02-22.tar.gz  closures-2008-04-14.tar.gz

All the earlier ones are also available but using a slightly different
naming convention:

closures-2007-10-16.ztar   closures-2007-10-28b.ztar
closures-2007-11-05.ztar   closures-2007-11-11.ztar
closures-2007-10-21.ztar   closures-2007-10-29a.ztar
closures-2007-11-07.ztar   closures-2007-11-14.ztar
closures-2007-10-22.ztar   closures-2007-10-29b.ztar
closures-2007-11-07b.ztar  closures-2007-11-20.ztar
closures-2007-10-24.ztar   closures-2007-11-01.ztar
closures-2007-11-07c.ztar  closures-2007-11-30.ztar
closures-2007-10-28a.ztar  closures-2007-11-04.ztar

Hope this helps!


2008/10/3 Javier Fernandez-Ivern <javier at>

> Hello Neal,
> I know you're a busy man, but do you keep older versions of the compiler
> available for download anywhere?  I have a bunch of code that used to work
> just fine with the compiler that was current as of early January (possibly
> later ones too, but I haven't touched this stuff since then), but no longer
> runs due to the below error (compiles just fine, then bombs during
> execution).
> So in the interest of working on my stuff some more, I was wondering if I
> could get the older compiler to work on until this is sorted out.  Whichever
> one was current as of about January 6th, 2008 should be perfect.  Thanks in
> advance, and sorry to bother.
> If you want, I can send you the full sources I have to trigger this bug,
> but Mark's example below triggers it as well and is definitely far more
> concise.
> Javier
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Mark Mahieu <mark at>
> Date: Wed, Aug 6, 2008 at 5:20 AM
> Subject: VerifyError: Wrong return type in function
> To: Neal Gafter <neal at>
> Cc: closures-dev at
> FYI, the following code (all in one compilation unit) compiles but fails
> with a VerifyError when run.  The test case is about as simple as I could
> make it...
> public class TriggerVerifyError {
>    public static void main(String[] args) {
>        new Foo() {}.run();
>    }
> }
> class Foo {
>    void run() {
>        {=> String} fn =
>            {=>
>                String s = null;
>                s
>            };
>    }
> }
> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.VerifyError: (class: Foo$2, method:
> invoke signature: ()Ljava/lang/String;) Wrong return type in function
>        at Foo.<clinit>(
>        at TriggerVerifyError.main(
> Regards,
> Mark
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