Control Invocation Syntax++

Peter Levart peter.levart at
Tue Dec 22 14:11:04 PST 2009

On Tuesday 22 December 2009 22:10:48 Bruce Chapman wrote:
> Peter Levart said:
> First, the syntax of parenthesized expression migh allow the expression in
> it to be optional:
>     ParExpression:
>         ( [BlockStatements] Expression )
>         ( BlockStatements )
> I respond:
> But a ParExpression is a kind of expression, so in your second form, what
> would be the value and type of that expression since statements don't have
> value or type?  I guess there is no answer which is why the expression is
> mandatory.

I meant value "null", type "Void". Just like the following expression: (Void)null;

That is the expression Neal is proposing to be automatically inserted after block statements in 
0.6b variant of Control Invocation Statement.


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