transparent lambda

Stefan Schulz schulz at
Tue Dec 29 14:00:16 PST 2009

On 29.12.2009 22:32, Mark Mahieu wrote:
> On 29 Dec 2009, at 21:11, Neal Gafter wrote:
>> By the way, instead of using a new keyword-ish thing, you could also
>> use "break".
> I tried that one out on a few examples earlier today. It's a great fit
> for void-result lambdas, but I couldn't make up my mind whether I liked
> it quite so much when there's an actual result. It has potential, I think.

break foo return bar;


I'm not sure about the namespace issue, though. What would this code do? 
Or is transparency limited here?

void foo() {
   foo: {
     #void() bar = #() bar: {
       break foo;


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