
Neal Gafter neal at
Fri Nov 20 15:18:30 PST 2009

On Fri, Nov 20, 2009 at 3:21 PM, Rémi Forax <forax at> wrote:

>  Sorry, I was not clear.
> I am able to parse the current syntax and any parser will be able too,
> but I am not sure everyone will be able to do the same.
> One thing I have observed when teaching C is that the first problem when
> explaining pointer was the C syntax.
> This syntax use * when you declare a pointer type and * when you want to
> dereference
> a pointer variable. This syntax create unnecessary confusion.
> If the syntax of closure use a symbol for lambda and another for function
> type,
> I will be happy.

So you would prefer, for example, to use # for one of them and ^ for the
other?  If so, I think it must be # for the lambda (because method
references make closures, too) and ^ for the function type.

*^int(int) plusOne = #(int x)x+1;

I wonder if a context-sensitive keyword would work?
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