
Jakob Praher jp at
Sat Nov 21 05:21:41 PST 2009

Hi all,

why do we need something like #, ^ for defining the function type at all?

IMHO in Java the identifier space has no function type already, since 
this is a novelity, compared with C/C++ block/lambda concepts build on 
top of existing function pointers. This implies the opportunity to 
introduce a clean function/lambda type identifier, which would also 
leverage a common representation.

I would not introduce new operators like => or # if it is not absolutely 
necessary. Java style would be to use something more readable IMHO.
Introducing closures with new would have the charme of beeing similar to 
anonymous inner class instantiation.


File f = new File(".");
File[] textfiles = f.listFiles( new FileFilter() {
public boolean accept(File pathname) {
    return pathname.endswith(".txt");

which would be translated to:

File f = new FIle(".");
File[] textfiles = f.listFiles( new (File pathname) { 
pathname.endswith("txt") } );

"new" is surely debatable and one could think about omitting it.... Then 
one could also think about more scala like:

f.listFiles (File pathanme) {
       return pathname.endswith("txt") ;

If the only argument to a method is a closure, one could leave out the 
parenthesis and it looks much more readable IMHO.
Surely this would be a bigger burdon to the compiler, but even with the 
parenthesis around it would be readable, no?

f.listFiles( (File pathanme) {
       return pathname.endswith("txt") ;

Just my 2 cents.
-- Jakob

tronicek at schrieb:
> Hi,
> I do not have any strong argument neither for # nor for ^ but I,
> personally, prefer # (for both, function types and lambdas). Why?
> ^ is an operator and thus # seems to be more readable.
> In C, the situation is different: # is a preprocessor thing and so ^ is
> probably better there.
> Zdenek

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