Jakob Praher
jp at
Sat Nov 21 09:18:15 PST 2009
thanks for your reply.
Neal Gafter schrieb:
> On Sat, Nov 21, 2009 at 5:21 AM, Jakob Praher <jp at
> <mailto:jp at>> wrote:
> File f = new FIle(".");
> File[] textfiles = f.listFiles( new (File pathname) {
> pathname.endswith("txt") } );
> The problem with "new" is that a lambda expression should not require
> the creation of a new object at each evaluation. If the lambda
> captures no state from the enclosing context, the compiler should be
> free to allocate it statically.
Ok. From this point of view it makes sense. On the other hand there is
not always a 1:1 correspondance in Java regarding optimizability and
syntax. E.g. virtual inlining at runtime. From a conceptional point of
view it is a late bound method, actually it is inlined at runtime. My
point here was that new is a common concept for creating almost
everything in Java, so people are famliar to use it.
> "new" is surely debatable and one could think about omitting
> it.... Then one could also think about more scala like:
> f.listFiles (File pathanme) {
> return pathname.endswith("txt") ;
> }
> I don't believe that can be retrofitted onto the Java language without
> syntactic ambiguity.
Hmm. Personally after thinking over it I see some problems regarding
expressiveness, especially if the existing method names are not changed.
Here listFiles should then be called filterFilesBy or something similar.
Syntaxwise I have played with the MethodInvocation
production/nonterminals. Since the MethodInvocation expression has to be
followed by a semicolon it could even be differentiated from nested
blocks following a method call. But one would maybe have to add a
semicolon after the RPAR. Yet I have not had time to think about every
corner case.
f.listFiles(File p); {int x; ... }
vs .
f.listFiles(File p) { int x; ... };
> If the only argument to a method is a closure, one could leave out
> the parenthesis and it looks much more readable IMHO.
> Surely this would be a bigger burdon to the compiler, but even
> with the parenthesis around it would be readable, no?
> f.listFiles( (File pathanme) {
> return pathname.endswith("txt") ;
> });
> Yes, this was what we had back in BGGA version 1. We'd really like to
> eliminate the "return" boilerplate.
My point is here that this is something for the Java language to capture
generally (for all statements/expressions), don't you think?
Why did you change to # for introducing function types and creating
For instnace if one translates Ruby code (for selecting over
collections[1]) to Java:
int[] result = (int c) { return c % 2} );
I am not sure if it is really necessary to omit the outer parenthesis:
int[] result = (int c) {return c % 2 == 0; }
But I think having to write:
int[] result = #(int c) c % 2 == 0)
is harder to read. Don't you think?
If one looks at other languages built for closures/blocks/anonymous
functions, there is also a mixed way of representing it and almost
always a dichotomy.
AFAIK in Scala:
afunc {...}
is only allowed if it the parameter of afunc has no formal arguments.
Otherwise one uses:
afunc (a :T1, b: T2) => { ... }
which is also a kind of strange, yet less since => is here the offiical
way to represent functions as types. On the other hand it breaks with def.
Since def is used like:
def myfunc (a: T1, b: T2) {
def myfunc = (a: T1, b: T2 ) => { ... }
or similar.
Here IMHO scheme/lisp's consistency is desirable:
(define x (lambda (a b) ...))
is written identically to:
(afunc (lambda (a b ) ...) )
I propably would stick with POLS (principle of least surprise) for Java.
IF closures are really used heavily I think having to ways of writing
code rises the burden on the reader of the language.
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