First code then select Syntax

Vladimir Kirichenko vladimir.kirichenko at
Sun Nov 22 07:51:21 PST 2009

Ali Ebrahimi wrote:

> But Criteria API exists in java (JPA 2).
> I think lang features must be help to highly readable codes.

It requires explression trees implementation and is not a part of
current discussion. And anyway "SQL-like" syntax is not the best way to
do it. Personally I dont like the way it is in C#.

> c)  array.sort((int a, int b) a > b);
>  d) boolean(int,int) p = (int a, int b) a > b;

no return type. If it's inferred, why not inferring argument types?

And also try it for, you'll see a problem:

fun boolean p => true;

Best Regards,
Vladimir Kirichenko

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