Syntax... (errata)

Vladimir Kirichenko vladimir.kirichenko at
Sun Nov 22 08:16:52 PST 2009

Reinier Zwitserloot wrote:
> On a perhaps more
> pragmatic note, java has absolutely no shortened keywords right now. All
> keywords are written out in full.

enum, strictfp, int :)

> So, we have 'synchronized', and not 'sync'. We have 'protected' and not
> 'prot', 'extends' and 'implements' instead of 'ext' or 'impl' or '::' or
> some other symbol.

The reason is why fun shortened from function is practical - most usages
of lambda are in-place.

BTW one more language with "fun" is F# (which is not a surprise). So we
have erlang, ocaml, F# which makes more weighted that "fun" is to be
usual practice with lambda.

> So, if it is to be a keyword instead of a symbol, then 'function' seems
> to be more in line with existing java keywords than 'fun'.

it's ok too, JavaScript has it, but it's soo looooong.... :)

Best Regards,
Vladimir Kirichenko

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