Closures, too much or too little?

Mark Mahieu markmahieu at
Mon Nov 23 16:31:12 PST 2009

IIRC, in javac desugaring happens after DA/DU analysis, so I imagine it'd require changes to both phases.  Also, flow analysis understands things like loops which would be important here.

I haven't put any real thought into it though, it just feels like a slightly more comfortable half-way house for the read-only cases.  But I agree it doesn't help with closures that actually want to mutate the locals, so to speak.


On 23 Nov 2009, at 23:40, Reinier Zwitserloot wrote:

> Mark, spec-wise, "turning final" is effectively equivalent to the compiler desugaring your source code snippet to:
> int count = 0;
> final int count0;
> count++;
> count0 = count; //generated
> Runnable r = #() {doSomethingWith(count0);};
> I haven't done an exhaustive analysis, but it seems that, if such a desugaring results in legal code (e.g. the DA/DU rules don't cause an error on usage or assignment of count0), it boils down to the same thing. The key is to switch over to count0 at the right time. Neither right before closure usage, nor right after last mutation, will be suitable.
> Presuming a simple spec and implementation for this feature is possible, I like it. However, as far as these things go, this change doesn't seem to have all that much impact on the concept of @Shared/public variables for closures. It won't get rid of needing to mutate outer scope - plenty of closures where the closure is run inline (some sort of withLock construct, for example), and the closure needs to communicate a result back to the outer scope. Neal's basic approach is not a bad idea, though the warning should not be generated if the gist of the warning can't actually happen, and the compiler can figure this out: So, that would mean, auto-final, and probably this concept of turning final just in time for the closure as well.
> A bonus here is that the static analysis of code to ascertain if lack of @Shared warrants a warning/error can be deferred until JDK8 if there's time pressure. It won't be backwards incompatible to stop generating frivolous warnings.
> --Reinier Zwitserloot
> NB: Mark, does closures-dev know about auto-final and not generating warning/error if there is no mutation after the closure is defined?
> On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 9:36 PM, Mark Mahieu <markmahieu at> wrote:
> On 23 Nov 2009, at 19:37, tronicek at wrote:
> >
> >> So for me, a more practical variation of "auto-finalization" would be that
> >> the variable only 'becomes' final at the point in the code where the
> >> closure appears.
> >
> > What you mean by "becoming final"? Do you propose to flush all the
> > (non-final) variables, which are used in the closure, to the shared memory
> > at the point where this closure is declared?
> More musing on than proposing, but I'm suggesting that it's common for the local variable to only initially want to be mutable, whilst I'm in the process of setting up its value.  After that's done with, I'd currently need to assign it to a final variable if I want to use its value in an anonymous class, which is annoying, even though (in my 'common' example) I make no attempt to assign to it again in the method, nor in any anonymous class (or closure) that references it.
> So I'm wondering whether there's a sensible (and clear) rule which would allow the compiler to do that 'annoying part' for me when necessary, such that:
> int count = 0;
> count++;    // ok, obviously
> // count 'becomes' final about here
> Runnable r = #() { doSomethingWith(count); };    // still ok, not trying to assign to it
> count++;    // compiler error - "Can't assign to variable 'count' after use in closure blah blah"
> It's kinda like the "auto-finalization" that Josh referred to, but deferring the "finalization" part until it's actually needed ('needed' being highly subjective, admittedly).
> Dunno.
> Mark

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