Boxing function types

Neal Gafter neal at
Wed Nov 25 16:39:09 PST 2009


The value of supporting the assignment conversions in the function subtype
relation is that it enables one to generalize generics over primitive
types.  That can be optimized automatically by code specialization, which
eliminates the boxing and unboxing at runtime.

But as I said, we may have already designed ourselves out of this option.


On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 8:19 AM, Doug Lea <dl at> wrote:

> I'm not sure exactly why I was CCed on this and
> haven't haven't been closely following recent
> discussions but I signed up to this list to
> reply explaining some of the issues here.
> First: If you want parallel speedups (especially
> for operations on aggregates/arrays/collections),
> you need to minimize interference across parallel
> threads; And you need to do this at all levels --
> CPUs, memory, JVM support, Java support.
> Boxing is among the enemies of parallelization.
> When you box things, you get less locality,
> hence more interference, among threads. If you
> have for example arrays where each cell points to
> some data rather than being that data, you
> face the possibility that the actual data
> are randomly strewn across memory. So you not only
> get a lot more cache misses (which are increasingly
> very expensive ) but you also have cacheline
> ping-ponging due to different data items being
> operated on by different threads just so happening to
> be nearby. In other words, boxing not only has
> constant-time time/space overhead, but is also
> a scalability impediment.
> These are not small problems. You can easily
> create ForkJoin programs that speed up linearly
> when using localized data but barely speed up
> at all otherwise (plus of course the sequential
> cases is slower to begin with under boxing).
> So, improving locality control is among the
> biggest upcoming issues for those of us trying
> to improve parallelization support in core
> libraries and JVMs. For example, I think it is
> a sure thing that at some point there will
> need to be embeddable value/struct/tuple support,
> (these things will probably NOT be java.lang.Objects).
> As is already seen in languages like X10 and
> Fortress, which are targeted to be able to run
> on JVMs, so JVMs will probably evolve to support
> them even if there is no Java language support.
> There are plenty of other issues along these
> lines too, like coping with MPs vs Multicore
> vs MPs-of-Multicores wrt cache affinities vs
> cache pollution. But not allowing efficiencies
> when we can get them already (like the case of
> plain scalars) would be a bad move. I really,
> really don't want to do is release an overhyped
> facility for parallel programming that doesn't
> actually speed up anyone's applications.
> -Doug
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