The Philosophy of Nothing

Paul Benedict pbenedict at
Mon Nov 30 21:08:35 PST 2009

Some questions about Nothing that the spec may want to address:

1) How can the compiler absolutely prove that "statements or expressions 
cannot complete normally"? I imagine that can only be done if a "throw" 
is literally found in the method body. Can't method calls prevent the 

2) Outside of the whole closure conversation, can java.lang.Nothing be 
used? And is there value in it? For example:
class Test {
   public Nothing throw_it() {
     throw new AssertionError();

3) In regards to byte-code manipulation, what would happen at runtime if 
a class transformer takes the body of method that cannot return normally 
("returns" java.lang.Nothing) and actually returns? The opposite case 
must be considered too. Would a JVM error be thrown?


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