When Control Abstraction (maybe) does not fit...

Peter Levart peter.levart at marand.si
Fri Jan 8 04:17:56 PST 2010

On Friday 08 January 2010 12:56:16 Gernot Neppert wrote:
> okButton.addActionListener(ActionEvent e:)
> {
>     dialog.hide();
> }
> Does it look intuitive?

I think the syntax "skips" colon in this case:

okButton.addActionListener(ActionEvent e)

This would also work:

// synchronizing properties of two beans...

Bean1 bean1 = ...;
Bean2 bean2 = ...;

bean1.addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeEvent e : "property1") {

bean2.addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeEvent e : "property2") {

But since these are registration only methods, execution of controlled blocks is defered to a later time, possibly from some other thread.
One should keep that in mind and not try to return from method in the controlled blocks - this would trigger exception.


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