Webrev: "arithmetic syntax error" when working with non-commited changes

Jonathan Gibbons jonathan.gibbons at oracle.com
Wed Jul 1 11:05:22 UTC 2015

On 07/01/2015 03:32 AM, Stanislav Baiduzhyi wrote:
> On 21/05/15 03:35, Jonathan Gibbons wrote:
>> On 05/20/2015 01:26 AM, Stanislav Baiduzhyi wrote:
>>> On Wednesday 13 May 2015 10:01:39 Stanislav Baiduzhyi wrote:
>>>> On Tuesday 12 May 2015 17:06:37 Jonathan Gibbons wrote:
>>>>> There has been some churn recently with respect to the variable
>>>>> See
>>>>> http://hg.openjdk.java.net/code-tools/webrev/rev/935f1eaa4691
>>>>> http://hg.openjdk.java.net/code-tools/webrev/rev/09eb35524f9a
>>>>> Therefore, I would suggest whether this needs to be 
>>>>> re-investigated in
>>>>> the light of those recent changes.  In particular, the tip has 
>>>>> changed
>>>>> since this thread started.
>>>> Issue still exists in current tip. I've updated the webrev, link is 
>>>> the
>>>> same:
>>>> https://e5decb045a719fb58df46fd7e03c2f98cddc1ac6.googledrive.com/host/0B5Kp 
>>>> -cB1sXJrfk9NQTVHMTJTdWpYX3dWaExreWN0V0hQZ3d0eGIyZDltdHBCbmhYcXpzRFk/fix-arit 
>>>> hmetic/
>>> I've experimented more with that empty value check because I still 
>>> had a
>>> feeling that it was not logical. Looks like changing from classical 
>>> shell
>>> braces [ to double braces [[ solves the issue already, no need for
>>> additional
>>> check. So now it's literally 3 bytes change. Please apply it before
>>> any other
>>> changes are going upstream.
>> Interesting. I see the webrev man page specifies the use of [[ ]]
>> (e.g. here http://www2.research.att.com/sw/download/man/man1/ksh.html)
>> and I see the webrev script already has other instances of [[ ]].
>> So, the change certainly looks reasonable. Does anyone wish to confirm
>> this behavior?  If no one objects, I'll push the change.
> Hi Jon,
> Could you please push the webrev before any other changes came in? Got 
> one more approval and at least one another person reported the 
> behaviour I'm encountering.

Done, sorry for delay.

-- Jon

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