RFR(XS): 7901508: JTreg with '-noshell' wrongly exectes shell tests with an implicit 'run shell' action

Volker Simonis volker.simonis at gmail.com
Wed Sep 16 17:18:59 UTC 2015


could somebody please review and sponsor this small fix:


The '-noshell' command line option should instruct JTreg to not
execute tests which contain shell actions. Unfortunately this option
is broken for shell tests which do not explicitly specify a run action
with '@run shell ...'.

Notice that specifying a run action is not necessary because the
default for '.sh' files is '@run shell <filename>' anyway. There exist
plenty of shell tests which do not specify the run action explicitly.

The problem is that the pattern which checks for the run action
wrongly assumes that the action can only be user-specified.

Thank you and best regards,

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