Proposal for new tool: defpath

Jonathan Gibbons jonathan.gibbons at
Tue Apr 26 15:24:11 UTC 2016


This sounds like a good idea.   If there is no contrary feedback in the
next few days, we should move ahead with this.

-- Jon

On 04/26/2016 03:12 AM, Erik Helin wrote:
> Hi all,
> I would like to propose a new tool: defpath. defpath is an hg [0]
> extension that makes it easy to update the push-path for a Mercurial
> repository. A user can type the command:
>    $ hg defpath -d -u <USERNAME>
> and the correct (for OpenJDK projects) push-path will be added to .hg/hgrc,
> based on the default path (and the -u argument). Below is an
> example of how the tool can be used:
>    $ hg clone
>    $ cd hs
>    $ hg defpath -d -u ehelin
>    $ cat .hg/hgrc
>    [paths]
>    default =
>    default-push = ssh://
> The defpath extension also works in combination with the
> trees Mercurial extension. Working with a forest, a user can run:
>    $ hg tclone
>    $ cd hs
>    $ hg tdefpath -d -u <USERNAME>
> and the push-path will be set for every repository in the forest.
> The tool has been written by John Coomes and Mark Reinhold and can
> be found at:
> I propose that the tool will use the same email list as the other
> Mercurial tools on code-tools, hg-tools-dev at
> Thanks,
> Erik
> [0]:

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