Regarding TestNG test case with @run tag.

Jonathan Gibbons jonathan.gibbons at
Mon Oct 3 16:55:46 UTC 2016

On 10/03/2016 03:10 AM, Rachna Goel wrote:
> Hi,
> I am working on a fix in which TestNG test case, is to be added at 
> /test/java/time/test/java/time.
> I have to specify system property for this fix as :
> @run testng/othervm  -Djava.locale.providers=JRE 
> TestNarrowMonthNamesAndDayNames
> However, upon executing with jtreg this test gives me following error.
> "error=Explicit action tag not allowed"
> One obvious reason to me for this error is :
> There is file /test/java/time which has set " 
> TestNG.dirs = . ".  Having the set TestNG.dirs causes 
> it to ignore or error if an individual test includes @run, so we can 
> not have any testcase specifying jtreg action tags such as @run, 
> @compile in current dir.

Yes, this is the specified behavior.

> To confirm cause, I added same test case to 
> test/sun/util/resources/TimeZone which makes it pass successfully.
> please suggest on how to override default behavior of 
> file /test/java/time.
> or is there any other way I could add this test to mentioned path.
> PFA test case for your kind reference.

You cannot override the behavior within a directory specified by 
TestNG.dirs. To give a test specific properties, you need to place it 
outside any such directory.

> Thanks,
> Rachna

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