CODETOOLS-7902083: Simplify building jtreg

Jonathan Gibbons jonathan.gibbons at
Fri Dec 22 15:49:25 UTC 2017


Thanks for the feedback. I'll take a look at your webrev.

-- Jon

On 12/22/17 7:17 AM, Volker Simonis wrote:
> Hi Jonathan,
> thanks a lot for improving the build. This is a huge step ahead and it
> works great. I've just tried it and the build succeeded out of the
> box!
> There's however one issue I still see. The default build will set the
> version and build number to '4-2 dev b00'. Notice that such a build is
> pretty useless, because such versions of JTreg will be rejected when
> doing OpenJDK regression tests because the OpenJDK test have minimal
> JTreg build requirements in their TEST.ROOT file like for example:
> # Minimum jtreg version
> requiredVersion=4.2 b08
> Before the introduction of it was possible to pass
> BUILD_NUMBER through the environment to make.
> When using this is not possible any more, because
> calls make without honoring if BUILD_NUMBER was set in
> the environment.
> I've opened "CODETOOLS-7902089: should honor BUILD_NUMBER
> from environment (and use a reasonable default)"
> ( and came up
> with the following fix:
> As an extension I propose to set the build number by default to the
> latest available tag automatically, even if we're building tip because
> I think that's what users actually want (and need) if they build JTreg
> for executing the OpenJDK tests. This feature is already realized in
> my webrev.
> Finally, we could set the build number to something like "b11+" if
> "b11" was the latest tagged build, but we're several changes ahead
> already (this would resemble the "hg id" output which prints a "+"
> after the actual change hash if the working directory contains
> additional local changes).
> I consider this to be the best solution, but in order to work we would
> also have to update JTReg's build number parsing routine in
> com.sun.javatest.regtest.tool.Version.getBuild() which currently only
> accepts a plain build number (i.e. "b[0-9]+"). This feature is
> currently not in my webrev but I'd be happy to add it if you'd
> consider it useful.
> Can you please review and sponsor my change?
> Thank you and merry Christmas:)
> Volker
> On Thu, Dec 21, 2017 at 2:12 AM, Jonathan Gibbons
> <jonathan.gibbons at> wrote:
>> My previous message was intended for Mani. I'm sorry I did not make that
>> clearer.
>> -- Jon
>> On 12/20/2017 05:09 PM, Jonathan Gibbons wrote:
>>> I've posted a new tag (jtreg4.2-b11) on the jtreg repo, so I would expect
>>> to see a new build on your CI system soon.
>>> If you're using the new make/ script, then everything should
>>> build as intended.
>>> If you're not using, note that you need to build jtreg with
>>> variables like TESTNG_HOME, JUNIT_HOME, ASMTOOLS_HOME etc defined at the
>>> time you run "make". It is not enough to copy the corresponding jar files
>>> into the lib directory; they must also be put in the Class-Path entry of the
>>> jtreg.jar MANIFEST.MF file (and the makefiles will take care of doing that.)
>>> It occurs to me you might still be using the (old) Ant build.xml file.  If
>>> so, I recommend you convert to using the new script.
>>> -- Jon
>>> On 12/19/2017 03:33 PM, Mani Sarkar wrote:
>>>> Hi Jon,
>>>> Amended the scripts to use the latest from the tip, and got
>>>> this -
>>>> Still using our old script to build from the last tag.
>>>> Both the artifacts do contain asmtools.jar - let me know if it passes
>>>> your sanity check.
>>>> Thanks again.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Mani
>>>> On Mon, 18 Dec 2017 at 10:18 Maurizio Cimadamore
>>>> <maurizio.cimadamore at <mailto:maurizio.cimadamore at>>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>      On 18/12/17 01:32, Jonathan Gibbons wrote:
>>>>      > Maurizio,
>>>>      >
>>>>      > If you can do this in a way that makes it optional, that would be
>>>>      > great.   Having put effort into pruning the set of dependencies,
>>>>      I've
>>>>      > no desire to see the set creep up again unnecessarily, although I
>>>>      > admit the usefulness of the plugin.
>>>>      Message understood :-)
>>>>      Btw, I'm bringing this up because, currently, the only way to
>>>>      build the
>>>>      plugin is through the IDE itself, which, while not unreasonable
>>>> (after
>>>>      all you have to have an IDE if you want to use the plugin :-)), it
>>>>      require some configuration and I've seen people getting stuck quite
>>>>      frequently - a build command would probably mitigate some of those
>>>>      concerns.
>>>>      Maurizio
>>>>      >
>>>>      > -- Jon
>>>>      >
>>>>      >
>>>>      > On 12/17/17 1:04 PM, Maurizio Cimadamore wrote:
>>>>      >> Looks great - thanks for doing this.
>>>>      >>
>>>>      >> If there's interest, I could also put some effort in order to
>>>>      >> integrate the plugins build into the system. In principle, it
>>>>      should
>>>>      >> be doable, by adding a bunch of env variables (to point at the
>>>> IDEA
>>>>      >> runtime jar). Of course that would be an optional part of the
>>>>      build.
>>>>      >>
>>>>      >> Cheers
>>>>      >> Maurizio
>>>>      >>
>>>>      >>
>>>>      >> On 14/12/17 00:32, Jonathan Gibbons wrote:
>>>>      >>> This is for folk who are interested in building jtreg from
>>>> source.
>>>>      >>>
>>>>      >>> As some of you have (rightfully) commented over the past years,
>>>>      >>> jtreg has not been an easy tool to build from source.
>>>>      >>>
>>>>      >>> And, as some of you may have noticed, there has been some
>>>>      amount of
>>>>      >>> activity over the past weeks and months to address this issue.
>>>>      This
>>>>      >>> work has been led by Erik Helin (thanks, Erik!) and we're now
>>>>      >>> getting to the point where we can show what we have been working
>>>>      >>> towards.
>>>>      >>>
>>>>      >>> The core of the work to build jtreg is still the Makefiles as
>>>>      >>> before, although as was recently noted, we've been simplifying
>>>> the
>>>>      >>> specification of the dependencies.
>>>>      >>>
>>>>      >>> Separately, Erik has helped provide updates to the way that
>>>>      some of
>>>>      >>> the Code Tools dependencies can be built.
>>>>      >>>
>>>>      >>> Building on all that work, we can now get to the next stage, to
>>>>      >>> provide a script that will download binaries for some components
>>>>      >>> (JUnit, TestNG) and will download and build source for other
>>>>      >>> components (AsmTools, JCov, JTHarness), for which there are no
>>>>      >>> official binaries.
>>>>      >>>
>>>>      >>> To run the script, you just need to have Ant and a suitable
>>>> "java"
>>>>      >>> on your path, and to specify the location of an install of JDK
>>>> 1.8
>>>>      >>> as an argument to the script. wget is used to download files,
>>>>      which
>>>>      >>> honors proxy settings for those that need to use them. The
>>>>      script is
>>>>      >>> deliberately fairly simple, and suitable for use in a CI system.
>>>>      >>>
>>>>      >>> You can see a webrev for the script at
>>>>      >>>
>>>>      <>
>>>>      >>>
>>>>      >>> Example of use:
>>>>      >>>
>>>>      >>> $ which ant
>>>>      >>> /opt/ant/1.9.4/bin/ant
>>>>      >>> $ which java
>>>>      >>> /opt/jdk/1.8.0/bin/java
>>>>      >>> $ sh make/ /opt/jdk/1.8.0
>>>>      >>> ... build output ...
>>>>      >>> $ ls build/images/jtreg
>>>>      >>> bin  COPYRIGHT  doc  legal  lib  LICENSE README release
>>>>      >>> $
>>>>      >>>
>>>>      >>>
>>>>      >>> Once this settles down a bit, I'll update the public docs on the
>>>>      >>> jtreg web pages.
>>>>      >>>
>>>>      >>> -- Jon
>>>>      >>>
>>>>      >>>
>>>>      >>
>>>>      >
>>>> --
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