RFR: Fix for CODETOOLS-7902719

Jonathan Gibbons jonathan.gibbons at oracle.com
Mon Jul 13 20:48:30 UTC 2020

Yeah, I use the brew version of tidy as well.

-- Jon

On 7/13/20 1:05 PM, Kumar Srinivasan wrote:
> Oops here is the updated Webrev:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ksrini/CODETOOLS-7902719/webrev.01/
> Kumar
>> On Jul 13, 2020, at 1:03 PM, Kumar Srinivasan 
>> <kusrinivasan at vmware.com <mailto:kusrinivasan at vmware.com>> wrote:
>> Jon,
>> Ahh, I did not have new tidy, but I installed one using brew, fyi
>> $ brew install tidy-html5
>> >8 >8  8< 8<
>> Pouring tidy-html5-5.6.0.mojave.bottle.tar.gz
>> Fixed s/propogate/propagate/g
>> FWIW: I tested on Ubuntu both build and test and it seems to be fine.
>> Kumar
>>> On Jul 12, 2020, at 8:10 PM, Jonathan Gibbons 
>>> <jonathan.gibbons at oracle.com <mailto:jonathan.gibbons at oracle.com>> 
>>> wrote:
>>> I'm guessing you're using the default tidy on your Mac, which 
>>> doesn't know about HTML5.
>>> Look for a new tidy, version 5.6.0
>>> $ /usr/bin/tidy -version
>>> HTML Tidy for Mac OS X released on 31 October 2006 - Apple Inc. 
>>> build 16.4
>>> $ /usr/local/bin/tidy -version
>>> HTML Tidy for Apple macOS version 5.6.0
>>> With that, you should not need to add the summary attributes.
>>> Also, it's not your issue, but it is adjacent: can you fix a typo in 
>>> faq.md: s/propogated/propagated/
>>>       * The following are propogated from the user's environment:
>>> I'll test out your fixes on Linux and Mac tomorrow.
>>> -- Jon
>>> On 7/12/20 6:41 PM, Kumar Srinivasan wrote:
>>>> Hi Jon,
>>>> Please review fixes for [1] with Webrev at  [2].
>>>> Windows jtreg testing needs some serious TLC explained later.
>>>> Descriptions of changes:
>>>> 1. make/Defs.gmk: on windows the absolute directory is incorrectly 
>>>> computed.
>>>> 2. make/build-all.sh: its a fix again for windows I think the line 
>>>> termination is in play.
>>>> 3. Tool.java self explanatory with this the AOT tests work fine now.
>>>> 4. faq.md: added the new environment variables
>>>> 5. tag-spec.html: the tidy on my Mac complained about tables not 
>>>> having “Summary” so I added these.
>>>> Please let me know if you have any comments.
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Kumar Srinivasan
>>>> [1] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/CODETOOLS-7902719 
>>>> <https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fbugs.openjdk.java.net%2Fbrowse%2FCODETOOLS-7902719&data=02%7C01%7Ckusrinivasan%40vmware.com%7C6fce540f5f504a3d695908d826da62aa%7Cb39138ca3cee4b4aa4d6cd83d9dd62f0%7C0%7C0%7C637302066685897345&sdata=JACWmMWJDDOqZmPoDrg1cMKXOfWtRYfQhqZKYDSOr0w%3D&reserved=0>
>>>> [2] http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ksrini/CODETOOLS-7902719/webrev.00/ 
>>>> <https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http:%2F%2Fcr.openjdk.java.net%2F~ksrini%2FCODETOOLS-7902719%2Fwebrev.00%2F&data=02%7C01%7Ckusrinivasan%40vmware.com%7C6fce540f5f504a3d695908d826da62aa%7Cb39138ca3cee4b4aa4d6cd83d9dd62f0%7C0%7C0%7C637302066685897345&sdata=l9inkI7NSGOYUjzUJ4axET2lhuIxoKza6SQNlSFDGt8%3D&reserved=0> 
>>>> Windows Saga:
>>>> 1.This needs Cygwin + Xwin + X11 support, there are tests that sets 
>>>> the DISPLAY for applet and UI tests.
>>>> 2. I touched the following files to pass, the failures can be 
>>>> categorized into well known Windows issues, Cygwin absolute paths 
>>>> (/tmp vs c:/cygwin64/tmp), incorrect path separator(:), not taking 
>>>> into account line terminators (\n\r).
>>>> C:/cygwin64/tmp/jtreg-src/build/i18n.com.sun.javatest.regtest.tool.ok
>>>> C:/cygwin64/tmp/jtreg-src/build/i18n.com.sun.javatest.diff.ok
>>>> C:/cygwin64/tmp/jtreg-src/build/AgentOut.ok
>>>> C:/cygwin64/tmp/jtreg-src/build/autovm.ok
>>>> C:/cygwin64/tmp/jtreg-src/build/ReportOnlyTest.ok
>>>> C:/cygwin64/tmp/jtreg-src/build/BuildWildcards.ok
>>>> C:/cygwin64/tmp/jtreg-src/build/BuildPatternTest.ok
>>>> C:/cygwin64/tmp/jtreg-src/build/ClassDirsTest.ok
>>>> C:/cygwin64/tmp/jtreg-src/build/CompileArgFileTest.ok
>>>> C:/cygwin64/tmp/jtreg-src/build/ShowGroupTest.ok
>>>> C:/cygwin64/tmp/jtreg-src/build/TestJDKVersion.classes.ok
>>>> C:/cygwin64/tmp/jtreg-src/build/TestJDKVersion.jar.ok
>>>> C:/cygwin64/tmp/jtreg-src/build/TestNativePath.ok
>>>> C:/cygwin64/tmp/jtreg-src/build/TestNativePath.agentvm.ok
>>>> C:/cygwin64/tmp/jtreg-src/build/TestNativePath.othervm.ok
>>>> C:/cygwin64/tmp/jtreg-src/build/RequiresTest.ok
>>>> C:/cygwin64/tmp/jtreg-src/build/StatsTxt.1.ok
>>>> C:/cygwin64/tmp/jtreg-src/build/StatsTxt.2.ok
>>>> C:/cygwin64/tmp/jtreg-src/build/StatusFilter.ok

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