jcheck and python3

Erik Helin erik.helin at oracle.com
Mon Mar 23 14:33:14 UTC 2020

On 3/19/20 10:39 AM, Langer, Christoph wrote:
> Hi,
> I recently updated mercurial on my Mac via brew and now I'm at python3. I had to recognize, that jcheck is still python2 only. I played a bit with it but had to recognize that it seems quite a bit of work to make jcheck python3 compatible. On the other hand, I don't know how to switch my brew installed mercurial back to python 2.7.
> So, I'd like to ask on the mailing list: Has anybody started work on making jcheck python3 compatible? Or alternatively, how can I change python version of my mercurial installation?

I have not worked on making jcheck [0] Python 3 compatible, but I can 
mention that Skara's Mercurial extension [1] is Python 3 compatible and 
gives you access to backwards compatible (and Python 3 compatible) 
versions of defpath, jcheck and webrev.

So if you want you can just install the Skara Mercurial extension [1] 
and then you should be able to use `hg defpath`, `hg jcheck` and `hg 
webrev` as usual. If you find anything that is not working or something 
that is not backwards compatible, then please file a bug.


PS. The Skara Mercurial extension is just a very thin wrapper around the 
Skara CLI tools [2]. So if you already have the Skara CLI tools 
installed then you can just pass the --mercurial flag to git-defpath, 
git-jcheck and/or git-webrev and they will work on Mercurial 
repositories as well.

[0]: https://hg.openjdk.java.net/code-tools/jcheck
[1]: https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/skara/Mercurial
[2]: https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/SKARA/CLI+Tools

> Thanks
> Christoph

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