The Final Five (or so)
Joseph D. Darcy
Joe.Darcy at Sun.COM
Fri Aug 28 17:44:51 PDT 2009
First, thanks to all those who submitted interesting proposals and
thoughtful comments to Project Coin; a demonstrably vibrant community
wants to evolve the Java programming language!
Without further ado, the final Project Coin changes accepted for
inclusion in JDK 7 are:
* Strings in switch
* Automatic Resource Management
* Improved Type Inference for Generic Instance Creation (diamond)
* Simplified Varargs Method Invocation
* An omnibus proposal for better integral literals
* Language support for Collections
* Language support for JSR 292
The specification, implementation, and testing of these changes are not
final and will continue to evolve as interactions are explored and
issues cleared. Two of the listed items are combinations of multiple
submitted proposals. The omnibus proposal for improved integer literals
includes at least binary literals and underscores in numbers; a way to
better handle unsigned literals is desired too. Language support for
Collections covers collection literals and allows for developing
indexing access for Lists and Maps, assuming the technical problems are
That leaves a few proposals that went through further consideration, but
were not accepted on the final list:
* Improved Exception Handling for Java
* Elvis and Other Null-Safe Operators
* Large arrays
Improved exception handling would be a fine change for the language, but
it ventures near the type system and we do not estimate we have
resources to fully develop the feature within JDK 7. I would like to see
improved exception handling reconsidered in subsequent efforts to evolve
the language. While the Elvis operator and related operators are helpful
in Groovy, differences between Groovy and Java, such as the presence of
primitive types and interactions with boxing/unboxing render the
operators less useful in Java. JDK 7 will support other ways to ease the
pain of null-handling, such as the null checking enabled by JSR 308.
Aggregates natively supporting more than 32-bits worth of entries will
no doubt be increasingly needed over time. Language support for
collections may allow such facilities to be developed as libraries until
the platform directly handles large data structures.
The coin-dev list will remain available for the continued refinement of
the accepted changes. Further discussion of proposals not selected is
off-topic for the list.
The majority of the implementation of the Project Coin changes should be
in JDK 7's development Mercurial repositories by the end of October 2009.
In due course, we intend to file a JSR covering the Project Coin changes.
More information about the coin-dev
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