Proposal: Import Aliases for Classes and Static Methods

Phil Varner philvarner at
Tue Mar 3 14:36:44 PST 2009

Thanks for the pointer to the bug.

One advantage of the syntax "import Sqldate = java.sql.Date;" is that
it wouldn't require a keyword addition.  It does give a nice "is
equivalent to" reading, but also introduces an overloaded meaning for

I'm reluctant to include generified types, since, as you say, this
should probably be part of a more complete solution.

The package alias idea is interesting.

I think a more "complete" type aliases proposal is an excellent idea
for a separate coin.  Were you thinking of something that was included
in the type system (as in Haskell) or just a compiler transform?


On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 1:21 AM, Bruce Chapman
<brucechapman at> wrote:
> My 2 cents:
> This partially covers the need for type aliases, but not for generic
> types (, if
> we are going to introduce aliases it should cover the generic case as well.
> An alternative syntax to avoid the 'as' keyword could be
> "import Sqldate = java.sql.Date;"
> Either syntax could probably cover the generic type alias case as well,
> however I am not sure if an "import" statement is the right way to do that.
> I liked your examples, some are very compelling.
> An alternative mechanism that preserves the simple names might be to
> alias the package rather than aliasing the type.
> eg
> import ju=java.util; // or import package ju=java.util;
> import js=java.sql;
> js.Date date = new js.Date(new ju.Date);
> That gets further away from solving the generics alias issue, which
> might be a good thing : it leaves it easier to do a complete type
> aliases solution as a separate issue.  (IS anyone working on a type
> aliases proposal for coin?)
> Bruce
> Phil Varner wrote:
>> Import Aliases for Classes and Static Methods
>> AUTHOR: Phil Varner
>> FEATURE SUMMARY: The import aliases feature allows a user to provide
>> an alias underwhich an imported class or statically imported method
>> must be referred to in the containing source file.   An example of the
>> use of this feature is "import java.sql.Date as SqlDate;"
>> MAJOR ADVANTAGE: This feature would allow easier use of multiple
>> classes which have the same name but different packages to be used in
>> the same source file.
>> MAJOR BENEFIT: This will prevent the necessity of fully-qualifiying
>> all class references when there is a name collision, leading to more
>> readable code.
>> MAJOR DISADVANTAGE:  This will introduce an extra level of indirection
>> when determing the source of a given class or method, introduce a new
>> keyword 'as', and will require changes to IDE code completion
>> functionality.
>> ALTERNATIVES: In some cases, a nested class can be created which
>> trivially derives a class involved in the name collision.  For a
>> method, a wrapper method can be created in the source file.
>> Example #1, duplicate class name
>> Current code:
>> new java.sql.Date(new java.util.Date());
>> New code:
>> import java.sql.Date as SqlDate;
>> import java.util.Date as UtilDate;
>> new SqlDate(new UtilDate());
>> Example #2, statically imported method alias
>> Current code:
>> import static com.philvarner.some.pkg.myReallyLongAndComplicatedStaticMethodName;
>> public static int mrlacsmn(final int arg1, final String arg2){
>>     return myReallyLongAndComplicatedStaticMethodName(arg1, arg2);
>> }
>> mrlacsmn(1, a);
>> New code:
>> import static com.philvarner.some.pkg.myReallyLongAndComplicatedStaticMethodName
>> as mrlacsmn;
>> mrlacsmn(1, a);
>> Example #3
>> Translation of persistent formats between similar APIs.
>> In many domains, it is not uncommon to have two different APIs with
>> classes with the same name.  For example, in a production rules API,
>> one may have classes "RuleSet" and "Rule".  When attempting to use the
>> API to translate between these these APIs, it must be decided that one
>> is fully-qualified and one is not.  This can lead to code like:
>> srcRuleSet = ...;
>> dstRuleSet = new
>> migrate(srcRuleSet, dstRuleSet);
>> ...
>> private static void migrate( srcRuleSet,
>>                dstRuleSet){
>> ...
>> }
>> Note that it is good practice here not to import either class because
>> it is too easy to accidentally misuse constants and static methods.
>> With the 'as' syntax, one could instead write the far less verbose and
>> more readible:
>> import as SrcRuleSet;
>> import as DstRuleSet;
>> ...
>> SrcRuleSet srcRuleSet = ...;
>> DstRuleSet destRuleSet = new DstRuleSet();
>> migrate(srcRuleSet, dstRuleSet);
>> ...
>> private static void migrate(SrcRuleSet srcRuleSet,
>>                             DstRuleSet dstRuleSet){
>> ...
>> }
>> Example #4
>> Ensuring correct method selection when static importing overloaded methods.
>> Current code:
>> import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals;
>> public static int aeo(Object arg1, Object arg2){
>>     assertEquals(arg1, arg2);
>> }
>> public static int aec(Collection arg1, Collection arg2){
>>     assertEquals(arg1, arg2);
>> }
>> aeo(obj1, obj2);
>> aec(list1, list2);
>> New code:
>> import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals(Object, Object) as aeo;
>> import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals(Collection, Collection) as aec;
>> aeo(obj1, obj2);
>> aec(list1, list2);
>> Note: it is possible that this sort of method selection is beyond the
>> scope of a COIN proposal
>> Grammar
>> modification (JLS 3.9):
>> Keyword:
>>     as
>>     ...
>> modification (JLS 7.5):
>> ImportDeclaration:
>>     SingleTypeImportDeclarationWithAlias
>>     SingleStaticImportDeclarationWithAlias
>>     ...
>> addition:
>> SingleTypeImportDeclarationWithAlias:
>>     import TypeName as Identifier;
>> addition:
>> SingleStaticImportDeclarationWithAlias:
>>     import static TypeName . Identifier as Identifier;
>> Note that this would explicitly forbid wildcard imports from being aliased.
>> There are no known effects on the type system or meaning of
>> expressions and statements in the Java Programming Language.
>> COMPILATION: This feature would be a compile-time transform.  It would
>> only affect the way in which a non-fully qualified class or method
>> name was resolved to a fully-qualified class or method name.
>> TESTING: This change would be tested in a manner similar how how the
>> existing code which resolves the fully-qualified names of classes and
>> methods is tested.
>> OTHER CHANGES: No change
>> MIGRATION: This change is backwards-compatible with existing code.
>> EXISTING BUGS: None at present
>> URL FOR PROTOTYPE (optional): None at present


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