Simple Resource Clean-up

Neal Gafter neal at
Tue Mar 3 20:24:57 PST 2009

On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 7:55 PM, Mark Reinhold <mr at> wrote:
>> The fact that this kind of flexibility is required suggests the
>> facility should be provided by libraries rather than hardcoded into
>> the language.
> If the only way for a library to support this kind of facility is for
> closures to be part of JDK 7, then this facility will not be in JDK 7.
> Now maybe I'm missing something, but unless one is going to recommend
> that developers use clunky nested classes for this sort of thing then
> I don't see how to implement this in a library -- absent closures.

Right; addressing this set of problems is probably best left until
they can be addressed in a more comprehensive way.

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