Draft proposal: allow the use of relational operators on Comparable classes

Mark Mahieu markmahieu at googlemail.com
Tue Mar 17 16:02:54 PDT 2009

On 17 Mar 2009, at 22:12, Joseph D. Darcy wrote:
> In BigDecimal, the
> same numerical value can have multiple representation, such as 100 *
> 10^0 versus 10 * 10^1 versus 1 * 10^2.  These are all "the same" under
> (compareTo == 0) but are *not* .equals with each other, making
> replacement of == with (compareTo == 0) conceptually problematic for
> another reason than object equality.

10, 10.0, 10.00 not being equals() is the one that I keep seeing  
people get caught out by.


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