Return 'this' proposal

Marek Kozieł develop4lasu at
Tue Mar 17 22:24:58 PDT 2009

W dniu 18 marca 2009 03:48 użytkownik Jeremy Manson <jeremy.manson at
> napisał:

> Hey Reinier,
> I'm unclear on how that doesn't change the type system.  That is,
> you've described an implementation technique that doesn't require a
> change to bytecode (which is nice), but doesn't it still change
> Java-the-language's type system?
> Jeremy
In basics this proposal should do not impact 'type system', but still it
allow to introduce 'This' type.

Because 'this' is not a type, just like void.

And it's very strict, while 'This' can be:
reduced while inheritance (and prevented from stocking)
bounded: This extend OutputStream super … (this would cause activation on
described level)
used in Generics.
Pozdrowionka. / Regards.
Lasu aka Marek Kozieł

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