Feedback and comments on ARM proposal

Xavi Miró xmirog at
Sat Mar 21 00:20:49 PDT 2009

+1.  A brilliant idea!


Joshua Bloch escribió:
> Tim,
> This is very clever!  While it doesn't allow programmers to create their own
> interfaces for use with the construct, it allows future release of the
> platform to broaden the applicability of the construct without changing the
> language.  And it does so without abusing annotations.  While it's not a
> typical uses of packages, it wouldn't be the first time the language gave
> special standing to a package.  For example, members of java.lang are
> automatically imported on demand.
> What do others think?
>              Josh
> On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 2:08 PM, Tim Peierls <tim at> wrote:
>> How about using a special package --, say -- with initially
>> only one or two interfaces -- AutoCloseable and AutoDisposable, say -- and
>> word the ARM proposal so that only subtypes of interfaces with a single,
>> parameterless method that are declared in this special package are allowed
>> in the ARM try-initialization?
>> The idea here is to remove the decision about which clean-up methods to
>> support from the current proposal and make it a library design issue.
>> --tim

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